To Toviah Moldwin

5 min readOct 26, 2021


Let’s first establish that this is an explainer text NOT a “test” text.

This distinction is made clearer if I note for you that I would like to explain what I do rather than right now demonstrate it.

Ok, so here it goes:

My sincere belief is that neural programming attempts are ALL flawed and have zero point zero “percent” chance of success.

The reason that I am confident this is the case is a lengthy and nonlinear description.

When a painting is on a wall, and you and a friend are observing it, is it any kind of “obvious” what could, would, should, or will be said about it?

The obvious answer is no, it is not.

How then, would a computer be able to “produce a description” of what it looks like?

The obvious answer is “well, it really just can’t.”


To get a computer to be able to produce that description is not entirely different than explaining to a donkey how to play a violin.

Why so?

Well, the obvious answer to that question is two fold:

  1. Donkeys don’t play violins
  2. There is no discernable linear sequence in which a donkey could have it explained to it how to play one.
  3. Because #2 is true, it evaluates to a Sudoku puzzle, and this is classically the puzzle which is known as “Does P equal NP or doesn’t it?”
  4. Since the answer to such a puzzle renders the confirmation of that answer easy rather than “almost or nearly impossible” I *think* it is true that if I explain this rather carefully, despite using linear squiggles (i.e. letters, numbers, etc.) you will understand what I am talking about, I should like to say in advance, to be respectful of your time, that
  5. You guys are working in the complete and total WRONG DIRECTION.

I know, that’s something that you …hmmm…do you actually REFUSE to believe it? I mean, if I am correct about it, I think that’s about $80 billion per year the world kinda sorta OWES me, I mean, once it is confirmed that I AM correct about it (which it does take an effort to be “humble” about, since the ‘supermajority’ of people still DO think that being intelligent — or even simply having the correct answer on the rare occasion that you actually DO have the correct answer — somehow requires one to be ‘humble’ rather than loudmouthed and abrasive about it….)

Yes, let’s see, where was I…oh yeah, P does equal NP despite that 88% of the last test (I think it was the last MIT poll, anyway) of “very highly educated [wait a second, can I get a little footnote in here? Is it okay if I say “well, you’re talking about “very highly educated in the conventional sense, aren’t you?” — see how I formed that as a question rather than an assumption that I was correct? That is the reason why I have said for a while that education does not work.

Yep. I know. You’ll hate me for that, too. You’ll start saying things like “well, he wants to throw the entire education, political, financial, social, et cetera…he wants to throw everything out! OMG that Brian Kent he’s “just trying to be a radical.”

You know what? Linear shit dribbling (that’s writing, as neurotypicals craft it to “paper” — not stream of consciousness thought-presenting, which is MY personal preference…)

yeah yeah…go on steam and then Age of Kings and ask anyone if they’ve seen Godzilla lately. Then you will know if I am alive, because that’s where I am. I don’t EXIST in Brian Kent’s “body” as a regular place to be, not quite exactly. The thoughts that I have, which happen to have agglutinated in that particular place (i.e., “behind his eyeballs” dOVOb) agglutinated there not because of “calcium channel blockers” or “unguided endocrine responses” or because of any thing even REMOTELY like “selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors.”

I mean Jesus Christ guys, what you’re doing with neural net programming to me looks like a sweeping up a bunch of dust with one of those feather dusters and trying to make sure the dust particles land on a wall in a specific order or pattern.

I mean are you even serious with that garbage?

I SINCERELY do not mean to be insulting, but haven’t you ever seen how they do those really thin metal plates, kind of like vibrating them in a certain kind of way, and then they hold like a metal bar to the side and watch the sand form a pattern in the middle? Haven’t you seen that?

Haven’t you seen human resonance in action before? Don’t you realize that evolution is not a process by which “the top species builds a tool and melts it to the side of its head and all of a sudden becomes a superhero”?


This, however (that is, the following) IS how it works:

  1. Ants are a species but not a species, right? RIGHT
  2. An ant COLONY is FAR more powerful than a single ant. Kind of sort of like a company that tries to squash a little ant like me. HINT: IT IS NEVER FUCKING GOING TO HAPPEN. It wouldn’t even happen if Tesla were the U.S. military, and in point of fact the only reason I haven’t wiped the floor with Monsanto, Verizon, kaleida health, AND aramark (to name a few) is because why would I waste my ant like time destroying companies which actually don’t do a horrible amount of long-time-distance damage when I sincerely believe that the greatest existential threat we currently face is ELON MUSK’S INABILITY TO STAY FOCUSED ON A TASK for even half as long as pathetic old me can?

Ergo, if we devise a system in which human beings can, across all boundaries, communicate in a cooperative (or at least not “conflictatory” way) we have solved basically


It *HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH CHEMICALS* and even though it could be said to have “something to do with computers” I can tell you this much:

If I have to choose between a team which has studied all the ins and outs of rugby and “knows how to play it” versus a guy who can *almost* terrorize God himself and a crew full of people who know how to not get in his way, I think I’ll choose my team every time.

Have him call me, please.




Written by 𝓌itter

Placed in this position to maximally reflect all the wonderfully intricate facets of the women around me; we're to build a chandelier, ladies.

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