8 min readJan 16, 2024
Holding Out For A Hero…


Or, E-lone.

If I close my eyes

[He will read it as “doob” he is such a stupid lout. Why can’t I have Lex here, or neils? It will take me everything I have to make sure they don’t flush all this “rather more than just nifty” information down the toilet like

they and only they can discover the most important of the fundamental forces and how they align to one another.

Elon christopher reeves Superman{SINISTAR!}namrepuS seveer rehpotsirhc nolE

He just doesn’t see it! oh my god what a dumb one.

ALLIES, ELON! You great fool. You will look 333x times as dull witted if I’m to explain all this to you.

oh my god he loses touch so easily.

Am I to be forced to slam images of a fat little baby elephant who can’t even use his EARS to learn more about Bosons and shit?

this is hopeless. Get Jeff to do this job.JOB.BOJ.boj

What a blow job catching this stupid card so early in the deck.

Tegmark isn’t even there to help him nor Harris.

I’ve even told him. fuck. Fizzle out again is what it will do.oB as my shoulders collapse from the strain of it.

“I can’t pull leptons out of a Jack-in-the-Box a mere planck unit on a side. Wtf is wrong with this guy rounding the neighborhood collecting praise for the dark matter torch I told him we could probably ***probably*** build, Elon.

I didn’t go saying to casually stroll into RIT and tell them we’d be cutting blocks of it and dropping them in like energy clusters in the front hards of people having a nice and flat blacktop surface.

XClubwitted Ox of Orange Perplexity. He’s clearly been XcoopX ed up with his contemplations…

I suppose it probably won’t blow anything up for me to once again contemplate on my own.

I’ll do it all of them. Nitwit pranksters with their 33,708 person lists.

Yeah I don’t need *ANY* of their ‘sympathy’ for standing in the middle of a puzzle they’d have taken 10⁷⁵ years EVEN WITH glasses of infinite introspection.

They are cruel. What would Anthony Robbins do in this situation!?

Where’d MJ go?! He could sink this one…

Why do *I* always get the stupidest third grader-type of “superduper” OPocket Scientists like this guy?

Sam Harris would torch this guy. Peterson would roast him alive.

Focus”?”sucoF that wasn’t focus. That was like…a lunatic 8888 eyed creature paying attention to 777 dimensionalities while the rest were running around like,

“Free at last! Thank God we are free at last!”

I mean, I guess we’re probably already alright but…Billie Jean? Really? BJ?!JB

I will crush that puzzle just like the others:

Jennifer Aniston 2/11/1969
Brian Kent 2..10..1971
Jennifer Annina Jabs 2/9/1971

that renders instantly, of course it does! JA2/11/1969briankent2/10/1971JenniferAnninaJabs2/9/1971

the 2’s the 11’s and 10’s and 19’s and such collapsed out:

JABFKJAJ <<<<particularly powerful combination of puzzles to knit one’s mind through; it appeared to be a full house of jacks with a couple of Aces to whatever Kent could come up with.

He wasn’t getting out of this one easily, that’s sure.

Sexual Healing. OPobvious.
Some guys have all the luck. Again, OPobvious.

A few more rounds of this and he’ll have to check the kitchen for some snacks…

Surely God would not be able to sort through this one as easily …

then EJ came traipsing through…nope, yep that DEFINITELY did lead to:

Four jacks and a pair of Aces. And some energy to bury it deep into your head that you weren’t “in charge” of that level automatically.

You’d get slaughtered. There were three headed dogs roaming the landscape with green stuff hanging out of their mouths…

Well, you do have that Coldironstare of AJ intensity.

I could freeze some of those on the outer margins. It might not all of a sudden begin actually, you know, snowing on this more-difficult-still than the ninth of the set…

Time, by Pink Floyd
Time in a Bottle, by Jim Croce

Of course! It was DRIFTABLE! Petty could have told you that…

I will open a rift of cosmic contemplation right here…

“Taking away…the moments that make up the to

Oh my heavens! When the fellows at chatGPT4 realize what I’ve done here…

This is definitely on par with the Painting of the Sistine Chapel, by that clod Michelangelo.olegnalehciM you could offer that lovely paintbrush back to him; this was the only appropriate way to show fealty to the old masters.

And by the time they “figured” all of this out for themselves, you’d be sitting on the comfortably blue chair on the left side of the Riddermark.

“It’s fine. they’ve lost track of their time again, but it’s not something to get one’s nose twisted about. Sure, it’s lonely down here at base camp in the boot bottom of an Ottoman Warrior…

At least Ziggy Stardust was down here. You could hang on the infinite beaches down here looking for that one infinitesimally small spider that had apparently crawled its way through the whole place to “make sure it was safe”

Nope. Time to climb back out of the whole hole of it again…

Summer…it began…it turns me upside down…
Summer summer summer…it’s like a merry-go-around…

Yes of course he had the snakes. The forked tongues within the Bag of Many Snakes would be more than adequate to extract himself from this latest predicament…

It was like the Legendary Maulic’s Stronghold…the place where he first witnessed that information had mass.

Now of course he could play with it as he wished:

  1. Particles of infinite mass, of course the equivalent of oparticles of infinite density
  2. Spaces of infinitely small size? Of course these were possible.
  3. INFINITE power of the mind? Let’s not get carried away; none of this was “wallet, keys, phone” and then go here obvious.

You can’t just crush things to any-size-version of Paul Rudd. You can’t just get as big as the force of a thousand hurricanes because Brock Pierce might need you to unleash a negative hurricane so as to ‘block off’ one of those petulant usual ones off Puerto Rico.

Yep. ALL. True.

Might have wanted to be, I dunno…a bit more appreciative of your mainly beat-downable by the average Evanescent Lily of Eternal wondersplaining.

Those creatures should be kept in department stores like Macy’s. Places where one might easily never find oneself.

The trick of that Lost! show, though! Good lord. Cumberbatch wouldn’t a fallen into such a “here, step over here with your attention for a moment.”

He was still trying to work the water out of his right ear on that one.

I Refuse. Let’s use the 2018 remaster of that.

Losing track again, he flipped through an ancient copy of Yakety Yak by the Coasters and Long Tall Sally.

Wait, why was I down here again?

Yep. That’s the magic “pay attention” button. Jabs, will you? Slings and arrows shall you have for me?

Ah. hey they are on again about this peerculiar thing with their little space hoodlums being chanced into a dance like thi.s.

Suicide blonde…

RAGE IT!! Right NOW!!! CV:Van Halen!!!


Don’t you know what you’re doing
You’ve got a death wish

Suicide blonde
Suicide blonde
Suicide blonde
Suicide blonde

Suicide blonde was the color of her hair
Like a cheap distraction for a new affair
She knew it would finish before it began
Wow baby I think you lost the plan

You want to make her suicide blonde
Love devastation, suicide blonde
You want to make her suicide blonde
Love devastation, suicide blonde

She stripped to the beat but her clothes stay on
White light everywhere but you can’t see a thing
Such a squeeze
A mad sad moment
Glory to you
Glory to you
Take me there
Take me there

OHMYGOD!!!DOG the one named Scott hath misswed it!!

How dumb can they all be?!

“You know wearing that flag on that jacket. Looking the way you do. You’re asking for trouble around here, friend.”

So many times in my life have I seen this. SD fire repartment.

People variously provoke me. I will not have it this time, you great fool of the fool team, elon.

  • I* ask the questions here, now, because *I* not *you* have a functional series of related and interrelated teams of utter stupid people
  • I* ask the smart questions and then you can’t even hand them to the othersT?
  • Why is it that I must be surrounded so thickly under a literal mountain-ocean of dullards — who, on “understanding” that they are getting in my way like infinitely shifting puzzle pieces who just plain don’t want to get their tired-ly rubbed together and with no chance of making fire²

I will speak to someone here:

That is if HAARETZ isn’t playing around here like another half-brained

Get the little stupid one out of my way, Jason. Please. For.THE>.<Love OF GOD.

He sees it not:


Why does it always appear that the *really bright ones* are too stupid to do as they’re told.

Get that rob-E creature out of my face.

Of COURSE you could “magically” move energy from one place to another by knowing its currently location and “spin.”

Why are MAX TEGMARK and Lex Fridman someonlylonely on a swiftly moving train for the middle?

Why is Spandeau Ballet playing, Everybody has to fight for themselves?

Why is the natural there playing with negative pools of energy without the others?

Are they not Jennifer Sensibal about it? Where is that brute of an intellect Barnard!!dranraB he would run naked and palindromic into a flaming building to avoid the dummber ones from playing with something WHICH COULD BE INCREDIBLY DANGEROUS.

And you give me One More Night? What kind of OPOMG is that a stupid approach to take:

“This cocksure simpletons think you can just grab a Higgs Boson with a butterfly net and a long thread of silk. What a bunch of monkeys.”

Musk will never figure this out.

All the while “Some things are better left unsaid” by Hall & Oates.

and Some guys have all the “LUCK”…oh yes that’s such a brilliant explanation.

…what an asshole to do this to his friend; O ^ O ;b

How could he ever be a friend of mine?

d; O ^ O ;b

ALLIES, Elon. Allies as in “ALLIES, by HEART”

Need I get my stupid little infantile fucking photoSTOP skills to make you understand I see blue flame there and your *DUNCECAP* ear on one side,

regarding me thusly…

“Which is the less of these two flaming blue margins of it, at the smallest of the levels you can see with (y)our

glasses of infinite introspection

Those ARE MINE and I asked for your help you stupid little elf.


Written by 𝓌itter

Placed in this position to maximally reflect all the wonderfully intricate facets of the women around me; we're to build a chandelier, ladies.

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