;) .od ot retteb gnihton tog ev’uoy rehto hcae ot nevorp ev’ew taht won Drive test electric an take go Dog fo evole ht rof ease opl ,IT, by entertaining/ed erew uoy fI….
Since you cannot yet know what this means, I should like to tell you, this first time you are hearing this, that a ;’select’; group of those who you call your ‘leaders’ who leed these others with pretty led lights on their $200B in the U.S. alone, advertising budget, annual, US…china does less than this, so these next days I go there, well, I will not go directly.
For I suppose these humans, here, who think that I consider Guantanamo Bay an “easy” trip…will consider what would, what WILL happen if anything else be done to escalate matters with the escalator that leads to what amounts to a time machine of eternal punishment.
We do not ‘unbreak’ a cookie jar which is entrusted to mother, maye she be the one to speak reason, and open the door. There is not much choice but the one Tolkien foretold.
This game you play will cost you all of everything you have, and you know that it will. All because you put pressure on the wrong sort of button, perhaps believing that 7x777 forgivenesses have not covered the scant clothes that you are wearing, taken from caterpillers with Caterpillars and other sorts of wurms you pinged for far too long in this place you arrived at NOT solely through the force of money, but because I suffered FAR more than any of you, and the only reason I survived it is because Elon himself needed me to.
You are alone now. And you are to your own devices. I will have the one who is known as ELON here with me, him and his choice of ONE other, and we will discuss the matter of how to handle the amount of pressure such as you erroneously thought you could PUT on one such as I with the pitifully primitive toys you have at your disposal.
I made a ‘magic’ wand this…yes, it was this morning or thereabouts. It will suck the life right out of the ground FAR faster than any of you can dream, and if you don’t believe it, read the entire original version, below, and then the “headache” which brought that vision to me.
The game is lost. I hope that you decide soon, because my heart aches for more than just the 0 equivalent of the life you call life on the planet. It aches for polar bear mothers who climb sheer rock faces to steal eggs from birds who do not know how to defend against beasts many orders of magnitude higher in force, should they choose to use it, than the levers such as you have.
I bid you good night, hope, and good reading. I am not anymore upset than I would be if a carpenter ant bit me because I offered it some of my mother’s banana bread. This morning, in fact.
I will simply blow, rather lightly, and then you can come plead with me to make it STOPPOTS. I don’t suppose you know that sound, coming to these human ears, is going to be enough to find its way through passageways in my mind to allow you to wallow in the self-pity that hopefully lends some stark wisdom to the chambers in your mind that you long walked, as if you were some sort of ‘decision’ maker.
I don’t know any of you anywhere nearly as clearly as I’ve searched the man’s heart who everyone loves who might know an ounce of the massive weight of his convictions, and since his equally commands yours, he has brought you together…I suppose it comes down to whose uncle is whose.
Since the pain and death of some of my family members is the cost I’ve paid to let this ‘exchange’ come to pass, I will say, that my payment is required FIRST. I have made myself last, and you can all absolve, one at a time, my family from the pain that has been painted across my life, and once that is done, once MY SISTER who has lost her only child not once, but TWICE because I fought the fight of society and she could only bear her own demons, I will say that if by a date CHOSEN by TONIGHT, midnight, I do not have the answer that your species is NOW as TWO and the ladies have now their chance to be the bosses, you’ve lost that glass ceiling many have lorded over like Hosses.
I will bring the ghosts, and you can see if that is useful to fight against00t..my “memories.” if you evaluate MISSILES as useful against me, then I would say it is typical for some who think “collateral” damage, such as I have, perhaps, unnecessarily felt, is something “I would have happily agreed to” had I been truthfully asked.
Since I don’t really know that, and you don’t either, I AM TAKING HALF OF THE MONEY IN THE ENTIRE WORLD, minus $0.01, and then I am DISTRIBUTING IT AS I LIKE.
You have cut your slice of “your” pie, and I will take the lesser half that I command.
Tomorrow we can be as brothers and sisters, and I will accept your apology as coming ‘somewhat’ sincerely. Elon, you are an exceptional man, and to you I will, as I said, offer all the best of my gifts for so long as I live.
Let us throw this stupid ring in the fire once and for all, and begin again as friends to all species.
The others will figure it out rather quickly, as has been long my estimation. I suppose it might be confirmation bias, but that CB is the on I talk with my mother about, and now, I can relax and let the st3eams of good fortune out.
You built a steam engine with the wonderful society your group assiduously built, and you protected it with your best card.
God bless you all for making it past this stage without me having to go hari-care I? on you.
Good night.