The problem with the “purple hat”

5 min readJul 10, 2021


This is sort of what I’m going to call an ‘easy reader’ which isn’t but it is.

I wrote a story once, about a kid who finds a magic purple hat.

And it was so magical that Brian Kent tried to use it to “explain away” the magic of a mother’s love for a child.

That’s NOT what you “use” truth for.

Truth is not a piece of candy that you “dispense” with so that you can get what you want, guys. It really isn’t.

Mary Bolo taught me that when I was trying to figure out how to get rid of the “emerald ash borer” so that I could go back to the way things used to be before the world “escaped” my clutches like the vile gangster Luke Skywater was lucky enough to “escape from” — unharmed.

You see, Luke had a “special kind of sister.”

The kind who can kiss you on the lips in the middle of a forest moon somewhere so that people can sit around going, wait, those two are “related” they can’t go around KISSING one another in PUBLIC!”

And see, there, you just made a mistake and it’s one that cost luke his arm when he doubted it.

And then God reminded her to go back for him, because he just went up against the literal version of “if satan were ever going to be a black man…”


even DWARVES know that!

Dwarves channel under MOUNTAINS and build gleaming cities under the ground and no one even SEES them because no one even knows how to ‘recognize we’re all friends down here, and the world is far faster and vaster and something to do with chalkboards and “erasers:sresare”

When someone can tell me what a KRAKEN actually LOOKS like if, for example, the ‘stories’ about it are true…

Well then, by all means, start talking to someone about “using a lion, because, you know, they really DO roar kind of loudly when they’re saying, look, kid, just don’t fuck with that stuff anymore.”

Fire isn’t a thing that you try to keep from a guy like SaTAN.

“JUST BECAUSE, YOU KNOW, THOSE “PEOPLE” IN THE GROUND OVER THERE didn’t use enough SPF 37,551 and, you know, it kind of makes people MAD when they believe in something, like, for example, RA or “black cats, something about them, man, I tell you.”

If you guys knew the first thing about the first thing about the second thing which means nothing at all to women, then you’d realize that you’d need your head examined if you thought you were supposed to question what they say all the time like “every single day” was that ‘odd day you might be right instead of, no, dude, she is always right. You just can’t figure out that she is always right because you’ve got one pen and you think it’s hanging between your legs instead of dangling between your ears like it don’t know how to get out of there without a really deep well of dinosaur blood that you use with Caterpillars that look an awful lot like bulldozers.”

Don’t work like that.

Work on occasion, sure. But if you start FORGETTING what ELON FREAKING MUSK told you was the First Principle of the second set of the third set of principles (yeah, that Brian Kent kid was an awful ‘mean’ brother to allow himself to get tied to a walnut tree with a rope around his neck like ‘struggling with my hands here, yeah, it should make it easier to suffocate myself because I want to figure out how to talk to God through the trees and if I can ever get…yeah…GET A CLUE.

I only said, “look, women get to do whatever they want on odd numbered days and men anything they want on EVEN numbered days, because look, you don’t even know how TIME works yet, and you’re talking about “work” like it’s the reason you have to put “blood, sweat, and tears” into the world to ‘extract’ what you want and only what you want and you don’t really want to learn the best path which is just NEVERMORE the ‘occam’s razor’ thing.

You don’t cut corners in baseball any more than you try to mow down a girl named Carol just because she thought the base path between second and third looked like an “awfully good place to start selling some girl scout cookies” and you can’t figure out why girls are way more powerful than boys before they reach kindergarten.

You’re playing catch up your whole lives, guys. That’s what makes the game fun. It isn’t “beat the woman in the back of the head” and take her to your “man cave”.

Because everyone with a brain cell knows that you don’t put a woman in a man cave anymore than you put ROBIN in Batman’s hands as something OTHER THAN a tinfoil hat to wear around like God is somewhere, but if you wear a tin hat and call yourself a woodsman for long enough, you’ll figure out a way to make Mary herself even cry.

There are good witches and there are bad witches, but the man who tries to come up to ANY sort of which, which, for the record, is that which you do wrong and even GOD probably won’t bother helping you if you do wrong in a sort of “any numb er less than infinity times in a row” thinking

“well, if I practice ‘best path’ approach, ignoring, for the moment, that ‘cutting corners’ in baseball means, “go directly to third from first, because, you know, only “girls” think that’s unfair…

Yeah. Give that World Series trophy back to the Dodgers like they deserve and tell anyone who doesn’t like it to try to figure out how OJ Simpson helped Walter Payton and Barry Sanders buy that roundhouse full of trains that my dad and I decided to eat DUCK — well, heck, I did, but my dad sure couldn’t have. …Have you ever heard that story that happened in denver at one point?


Pick a point and go from there. Don’t start “looking around for a place to start.”

“looking around for a place to start” is like defining work as life and work is not LIFE anymore than life is not work.

Work means something that you do with your head to make everything else far easier for everyone. And that’s the thing that Brian Kent saw Elon doing even before he saw Elon and said, ‘where do all these really cool cars come from’

And now “I” changed that story and yep, you guessed it, you can go to any airport any time you like and when you get there you can drive away in a Tesla.

Because BK broiler figured out how to ‘get Christ to sorta come back off the cross and go back into the ground where he was trying to GET TO but in the right way instead of what seemed like the wrong way, even though they tried to bribe him with pain like E-sill? Door…




Written by 𝓌itter

Placed in this position to maximally reflect all the wonderfully intricate facets of the women around me; we're to build a chandelier, ladies.

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