“Hey dad, look, I caught it. You said ‘go long!’ and I caught it!”

The Bus

4 min readJan 12, 2024


I came across a man one day
His words were fair his hair was gray.

I came across a man one day
His walk held just a different sway.

I came across a man who looked like me
But on his face were eyes of three.
In each of them sincerity.

Across this man came I — you mustn’t doubt it
For if I hadn’t could I tell you about it?

All over strange yet just like me,
Everywhere had I two still he had three.

He seemed quite friendly — I will not lie
We took some time to align our eye.

Of course, that was it! That must be the ticket
Away from this bewildering cross
Of train station and a Hawthorne’s thicket

We chatted quite a while, we both had some time
He even took the time to send me this rhyme

Of course it proved that he could see
What I saw with his eyes of three.

“It doesn’t matter, I’ve come to conclude”
“So long as you fix on which brain you’ll delude.”

“You can’t go skipping here and then there.”
“Your logic will go *poof* right into the air.”

You cannot mistake things, you can’t say it’s not true;
Three brown eyes sum things just as two blue.

He then continued, as hushed as a mouse,
“In this way of viewing things a louse hides a house!”

Within this fascinating cornucopia,
We may yet find utopia.

You have to know it, Scott. Believe it’s true.
It’s as possible for me to believe I as I to believe you.

Let’s tell all the others. We’ll say it was a dare.
Then will we watch in such giddy delight —
Them re-contemplate their ways straight through the night.

The hardest part was to not make it a scare.
He came like a flash — almost out of thin air.

But I said to him — that is before he then left…
Please answer me God this last thing I’m feeling…
Is this the floor or is this the ceiling?

Is the thing over here — is that thing Right
What is with this endless spite?

A man piles some rocks, they’re right here on the ground
Then the rest start to the jeering just because of the sound

Pleads he with them, “Now you just see here!
Wasn’t my idea to ask for your ear!

I just came walking through this place
And felt it needed a touch of Grace.

How could I know? Could it be my fault?
To believe my brain was just as stout?
One mustn’t always endlessly doubt.
How this or that noodler noodles things out.

Just be you kind; be friendly too
Be the kind who’s so often so few

With three eyes as well can you get along
Were that not true could I have penned you this song?

Let’s all be together! Let’s soon build the throng!
Surely humanity’s stay we can surely prolong.

That guy in the weird hat — you mustn’t disbelieve it…
Hide something anywhere and he’d be the Rover you could expect to retrieve it.

Here’s a bloodhound who knows one thing or two
About how this gosh-darn-big-tree its knowledge grew

Surely this was a guy who all the kids could just learn from
Once across his harp his fingers did strum

[But stay away from him if you’re near a scrum!]

Yet still you paused…you did it, I don’t blame you…
Yep in strolled the cat saying nothing but “mew.”

He seemed to say, “feed me some of that there milk.”
“Can’t you see your words are to me nothing but silk?”

Cramped within that box for long I’ve been
My previous keeper surely did know how to sin

Well he went out and I went looking
A hole big enough my feet to start booking

You’ll never catch me again Mr. Schrö-ding-air
I think your games are not particularly fair.

I won’t play by your rules and I don’t gotta.
This time on earth I’ve notta lotta.

Why don’t we shoot the breeze and let the pressure off
At Earth’s Tuesday problems as the kind we should scoff

Merely just to shake it off…just like that Lion — Jared Goff!

Today is the day, tomorrow will not be better.
Tomorrow I’ll knit my mom a sweater.

Yes on this Friday — a twelfth — how glory-us
Escaped every last human on the very last bus.


This piece is dedicated to the memories I share with my ex-wife; a glorious woman in her own right and one of just a precious few I’ve come across who could steer me right on a cold winter’s night…

In who’s sight I knew there was light.


As with all my pieces, I wish you would please do me the respect of — if you’re going to clap — clap once and once only. If you decide you wish to respect that rule, I’ve no doubt you can also respect the rule of only clapping if you’ve placed 100 of your own words in the comments.

I feel as though others may appreciate this [i.e., this method of counting] and so — unless you have a reasonably-well-thought-out reason for clapping in a manner which doesn’t adhere to the same behavior set people silently agree to on a golf course or tennis court, please clap only once if you’re going to clap at all.

Schrodinger’s cat. Rescued from that nasty box.




Written by 𝓌itter

Placed in this position to maximally reflect all the wonderfully intricate facets of the women around me; we're to build a chandelier, ladies.

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