You are in no position to be making any such demands, especially considering that Tesla still refuses to surrender to me a signed, dated, and itemized invoice for the repairs that were allegedly completed on my vehicle. I am utilizing this email as a final warning to cease and desist on the actions you, and by extension Tesla Motors, Inc. are preparing to do in clear violation of New York State law.
I plan to approach the New York State attorney general’s office first thing Monday morning in person, and obtain a court order demanding you surrender my vehicle. I will not chase a $100B valuation company through the courts, nor will anyone reasonably expect me to do so, particularly in the event you render my car nonfunctional through an order to personnel at your service location who you can thereafter fire and claim a lack of corporate accountability for. Who will themselves face criminal charges if they tamper with my vehicle any further considering this formal written notification of my wishes.
I know how plausible deniability works, and I’m going to make 100% certain that everyone in your organization is well aware of the contents of this email, where it was sent, and when. Should you thereafter take the actions you threatened to in this email, your job will almost certainly be forfeit and your company might well wind up in disarray.
You WILL NOT further damage, alter, or otherwise modify my vehicle. That includes moving it, regardless of whether its current location represents an inconvenience to your daily business operations. I have already collected videotape evidence of clear violations of New York State law and I have every intention of pressing criminal charges for them. Tampering with my vehicle at this point represents evidence tampering and as such constitutes obstruction of justice on top of the rest of the trouble you’ve gotten yourself and your company into.
I implore you, please do not take this route. I’ve given you options other than this. Do not expect me to believe either that you’re afraid to click a link which is in every way identical to a link well over a thousand people have already clicked to navigate to the Medium article in question, or that you’re not intelligent enough to navigate to the location of that article manually. I haven’t forgotten that you work for a software company.
I will expect a reply to this message by noon on Monday, 1/27/20. By then I will most certainly be standing in the New York State attorney general’s office and they can deal with you.
The Tuesday deadline I already spoke of remains in place.
I thank you very much for your time.
Brian Kent
P.S. I have cc’ed Justin, Jack, the Henrietta service center, New York State governor Andrew Cuomo, and blind cc’ed several other interested parties. I will also take the step of having my father call Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul today, and I’ve attached an image below of Ms. Hochul at a fund raiser we all attended about fifteen months ago in case you think I’m bluffing about that, too. You are in WAY over your head, know when to quit.
The other parties contacted on this thread are welcome to call me at XXX.XXX.XXXX should they like to get up to speed on what’s going on here.