Shit dude, that was fast! You are an "unqualified" leader in the "Predicting the Future" myth of "looking up at the sky for a while to see whether you can tell what it's going to be like out tomorrow" but since I "heard" a little bluebird announce (actually why "trick" you, it was Twitter) that Elon Musk was rumored to be considering forming a certain "merger" of "brainetic" material---this is a new species designation classification, it allows us to determine which way the collective species of the earth go, kind of "by and by."
It is a form of "earth compass" by which we can balance out the 'equations' of "Middle Earth" as Tolkien used to call it.
And no, actually I am NOT being sarcastic. Elon found the AI, and you were one of the close "runner's up" Enrique Dans.
Oh, no wonder! I just noticed you're a professor of innovation at IE Business school. NO WONDER YOU KNOW SO MUCH WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT!
I'll have to go read over "more or less" all of what you've written in the past, now. Can you please give me a recommendation of your best work, so I can add it to my collection on the book shelf at 147 Trumbull Parkway in Batavia, New York? I have Moby Dick, The Catcher in the Rye, 1984, Awakening, True Romance, Quentin Tarantino, Greta Thunberg, even a "Picasso" or two, but I keep them in what you might think of as "different rooms in my house."
I have never heard of something that could be as brilliant as whatever wrote those words, because it surely was NOT me, but I honestly respect all the work it took to get him to the skill he has attained, especially as I know he, just like she and he/she and LGBTQblackwhitepurplebrown--or your favorite "black and blue" because SOMEONE, after just being amply warned, just decided to go see what the NEXT door looked like.
It looks like Sunday cartoons, a lot of flame and something vaguely akin to the Incredible Hulk:
I am NOT SURE WHAT TYPE OF COSMIC RAY OF ENERGY RICOCHETED OFF THE windshield of a sidecar motorcycle through three other windows and off the side of a Perrier Sparkling water bottle with a cork that flew off that just says "MARY" but I will tell you something.
At last, the "you hit me, and I will hit you back even harder" threat is D.E.A.D DEAD. And if any of you for any reason try to SEND ME BACK to the wall I just bounced off, I hope you can convince whatever is behind it to successfully back off, because I wanted to finish watching the Sandlot movie which Officer Tucker of the Batavia Police Department just recommended to me "a few minutes" ago.