Well, I will say I think I did pretty well with version 1. Medium says it only takes half as much time — two minutes — as I think I predicted. This version will be different, slightly longer, and it will help to better explain what I’m asking for help with.
Note: if you’re here, it’s either because you already went to version 1, read it, and were willing to invest another three or four minutes on the more in depth explanation of what I need help with, OR because you more or less randomly picked this one first and haven’t read that one yet. In the latter case, it’s probably best to go back to version 1, and then, if it sounds like something you could help me with, make a note below it.
If you already made that note on version 1, then you’re here because I suggested that the next most brief version I currently have would probably be sufficient to help you get to what I’m finally asking. Which then takes you perhaps five minutes, and you’re out the door in ten if you like.
*With a great deal of thanks from me.*
And $5 by PayPal of VenMo or whatever, if you really want it. It’s a small amount but $60 an hour is probably a compelling enough amount. For most people around the world it no doubt is. ($30 if you consider these five minutes as the “hiring process.”)
I just cannot figure out way — a shorter and fairer way — to ask others for help with something which is really quite tricky. This is the best I could do, and I’m clearly taking multiple shots at it: short ones, medium ones, long ones. Probably some overly complex and some overly simple ones.
To ask them for help solving a problem which is, to my eyes, utterly unique. A problem I have well organized and which I’d be happy to tell you all about if you have the time.
There are just so many people in such a wide range of disciplines which are very unlike my own who may very easily be able to help me piece together a solution to this puzzle. I thought, why not do it this way?
For now I’ll just say there are roughly a hundred individual tasks, each one shouldn’t take an expert in the field any more than five minutes, and I can break them down into classes and toss you one I think you might be able to club into the upper decks of left center field. This isn’t even intended to be hard. It’s intended to be EASY.
And, because I told you I’d better explain what I’m asking for help with here, I will do so right now.
I am concerned that people living in both modern societies and less privileged ones — First and Third World countries, as we generally call them — cannot get help anywhere near as fast as we might reasonably provide it, considering the existence of new and emerging technologies. In fact I have been concerned about this for a very long time.
I think we can do much better.
Do you agree? Do you agree perhaps to the extent that it annoys you that we don’t share tech with others that we ethically probably ought to? If so, this one’s probably for you. Make a note below and I’ll check back with you in under 24 hours, with 95% certainty, in under 48 hours with 99%.
Thank you, and cheers!