Member-only story
Jaime Martínez Bowness recently wrote a brilliant article on honesty right here:
It had me enthralled; here I was listening to this guy and I just knew he knew what he was talking about.
The words looked like they were connected by some sort of magical clear glue. I am not being sarcastic. It really looked like he was going to draw them to the obvious conclusion I knew in my heart was at the end of the trail…
…it was like a Stephen King novel; you just knew what it was going to end with but you terror-ed your way through it anyway. In this case I was grinning.
I had the foam hand out, swinging it. GO TEAM GO! Get it done coach!! Prof. Bowness was The Bowness. The Pro. The guy who had ALL of the Forrest Gump.tion. He’d run right out of the stadium he was running so hard and so fast.
And then BAM!
Like a Kiefer Sutherland baseball bat against a Stand By Me wooden mailbox, with a POW! the wind went straight out of old Bowman’s sails and he instantly looked like a deflated Big Boy on the sidewalk just in front of a hamburger joint.
Oh no, Bo! Say it ain’t so!