Okay, let's everyone dial things down a notch. Why?
Because cooler heads prevail, almost always.
This might as well be written in to the manual of living as though you were a "divine Aikido warrior"--i.e. in something like 'perfect harmony' with the flow of information around us.
I am not joking. I am not among those who thinks that AI is a trifling matter, and I needed one moment to make that explicitly clear.
What I mean to say is that if we are in the process of attempting to give AI a target and *we ourselves do not have a target well-selected* our efforts are doomed to failure.
That this is true is ridiculously easy to prove mathematically, but a visual example works better:
What does Space X do when it wishes for one of its rockets to reach orbit?
a. Set it on the ground and point it in a random direction from all the ones that have a nonzero chance of potentially working
b. Choose target carefully.
We can't have "human curated" jack shit without utter lunacy becoming involved because something within the human psyche has us daring back and forth until the so-called model citizens of the Right and the so-called model citizens of the Left are nothing but perverse combobulations which don't model the world well *at all.*
Negative ten on one side added with negative ten on the other doesn't equal happy/healthy society. It sums to animosity of the most bitter and "snappy" type.
We can do this, but we need these (AI monkeys) guys to stop living in echochambers.
P.S. I have been writing a screenplay which is designed to behave as a countermeasure to this lunacy. If you would like to take a brief look, please open this direct link: https://medium.com/@briankent/the-world-according-to-shake-a-spear-a-short-play-in-five-acts-d06a3221a08e
and spend five minutes on it. Those two acts are twenty nine minutes in screenplay type, but you do not have to read anywhere near that many to "get the gist."
Thank you.
OPeace Out.