My “grim” speculations

3 min readJul 2, 2021


which happened to occur this morning in this following series of texts.

To my friend, who I will describe (somehow) later:

Me: “Becoming a little ‘skeptical’ about what my ‘speculations’ on what God is going to look like when He reappears THIS TIME? Because I sure am.”

About a lot of things, but certainly not that he/she is at least “on the way.” Kind of “which way are we going to fuck this up” i.e. which method of giving him or her a human “life of Hell” or which way are we going to kill/push him/her to the brink of suicide THIS time. Killing or otherwise ensuring the misery/death of another great thinker every time one “shows up” in the human species. So readily we confuse genius and insanity.

My friend: Yup.

Me: This society HAS multiple times pressed me to what appears is “the contemplation of things which almost literally ensures death.”

And I, like everyone else, still get robocalls from “cheerful sounding” recordings of humans. ALL OF WHICH are trying to sell me some version of something: Everything is just fine *down here* and “you can trust us” WE are in charge, after all.

All of “you” trying to be “cheerful” and believe in “real” human hopes. i.e., that “human hopes” have the slightest fucking chance if even MY observations — which are obviously IN SOME WAY true — i.e., that we will SURELY KILL HIM OR HER *long before* anyone really accepts him as really here — past history and ALL OF HUMAN BEHAVIORS are aligned to that fact.

Grim speculation for him who would “take on the task.” Worse even than Benedict Cumberbatch’s character in “The Courier” in some ways (though certainly in some ways better) Yes, a life “at least better than” suffering torture and deprivation for more than a year as well as separation from his family for the “simple purpose” of making sure the Russians don’t successfully use deception to install nuclear missiles in Cuba. Not perhaps any better than Johnny Depp’s Russell Poole character in “City of Lies” — pursuing justice about the murders of “Notorious BIG” and “Tupac Shakur” — two utterly fantastically talented geniuses, prominent members of their communities, wealthy, popular, genuinely looked up to people but people who were still murdered and “no valid explanation could be found.”

Because it’s a true story.

Because Poole did actually die while pursuing justice. Just like everyone ALWAYS has before. Pressure we all live under to pursue justice *because we still don’t have what amounts to ‘true justice’ down here.

Yes. “Take away” his cigarettes. Don’t want him to BE ABLE TO HANDLE existence as a human. Just “want him to live as long as possible” [under our ‘version’ of the rules] because WE DON’T BELIEVE A FUCKING WORD HE SAYS, OUR “DEVIL’S ADVOCATE” strategies are so uniformly applied and “so very fucking logically.” Worldwide.

“No, THAT ONE is human TOO. Give him a full ration of shit, just like all the others. Sure, he is THE ONLY ONE who is sincerely capable of BELIEVING HE IS GOD, but that “doesn’t require and ‘special talent.’” That just means 100.00000000% of the time he’s “just another delusional human we should kill.”

And now I’ll have literally LEGIONS of people speculating that I just have a “particularly evolved” type of God complex.

I swear, you people are so clever in your paranoid delusions. Almost as if you’re forcing the situation to occur that when God DOES return, you’re going to “force” him to think out of a box that you made *ALMOST LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE* to think out of.

At least “practically” impossible, because you DO KILL PEOPLE for ‘alternate beliefs’ and you HAVE done so for basically all of recorded history.

What is this, some gigantic ‘egg factory’ and you guys get to decide what a ‘good egg’ versus a ‘bad egg’ looks like? An ‘egg factory’ where all the line people examining the eggs on the conveyer either pocket every example of a golden egg they see or, alternatively, throw it into the ‘waste basket’ of jails or mental hospitals?

Well guess what? I’ve SEEN that reality and I raise you…

Well, I’ll raise SOME of you, but I sure as fuck am not going to raise ALL of you unless somehow ‘this type of behavior’ shortly changes.

And YES, I *do* curse sometimes.




Written by 𝓌itter

Placed in this position to maximally reflect all the wonderfully intricate facets of the women around me; we're to build a chandelier, ladies.

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