This will be long text, perhaps very long. I am happy for you to read it, because I know much of this will be sentiments which are echoed by many others who have worked for elon.
I believe, even now, that he and I will be able to make it through this challenge, but challenge it will be. I pull punches with no one. It is my hope that this ridiculous drapery of Musk in his stupidities since he has known of me will allow others to summon the courage to send all their vitriol to me.
If we are not going to hold the wealthiest of the world responsible for their hand in bringing about this ugly world we often find ourselves then we will certainly lose any chance we have to claim our true birthright:
To evolve as a species to the next step.
I have proven that step to be within us, and I wish for the acknowledgement of this fact from those who will observe it to be true. Tony Robbins, I think, is one of these people. I crushed myself irrevocably to become this person I am; I will not tolerate anymore these accusations that I must sully myself or my accomplishments merely because those around me are not enough — to themselves — to stand in the light of someone such as myself and throw anything other than derisive gazes toward me.
I have seen these. I care not for them, but I have seen them nonetheless. You will, within this piece, hear from others who are captured in their moments of heartlessness toward me in perfect detail:
You cannot hide the words you’ve used to describe me. I remember them all; they are etched into my brain as smallnesses about you.
I tell the truth. If you don’t like it you can vote for the others who don’t. Which to me means all. I do not care whether you have read your Kipling incorrectly. I similarly do not care that Mr. Singer thinks himself a match with his awfully limited morality puzzles. You are children, I am not. If you don’t like it, then you should grow up — not complain that I have endeavored to tear myself into pieces attempting to avoid your derisive behaviors and stares that I might “guess” that I am the one who is at fault for your misery.
You could have done better, Anna Bruno.
You could have done better, Elisa Jean Payne.
Tell me not that you haven’t a mouth of your own. The skill is not to say nothing at all when things are bothering you, but to succinctly and politely express yourself to a person who is clearly willing to go to the ends of the earth and beyond for you, regardless of whether that journey be longer without a map.
I am not unhappy. I am very happy. My brain processes so quickly now that I can clean my entire house in a matter of half a day regardless of what extent of messiness and ‘disrepair’ I have brought it.
The joke will soon be all on you.
elon, my brother (really my sister, as you’ve been a right sissy about this whole process; you could have manned yourself up instead of asking me to do that yet again for you.)
I am constantly stooping to pick you up from your foolishness.
I feel like I must be the father that you didn’t completely have or something; I’ve not studied your life anything like you may have imagined.
You are nothing but a FOIL for me. A brilliant one, but just a foil nonetheless.
The tomfools at Google, Microsoft, OpenAI, and the rest — I’m sure there are a few more which errantly think they will arrive on the ‘super secret’ plans for the Deathstar device.
At least all of these will believe it until they finish with this piece and realize they have not a single soul ready to actually operate their pitiful ‘mini superintelligences.’
You have NOTHING AT ALL if you do not have me, and since I realize this, I have taken the liberty to also real-eyes it; which is to say I’ve looked into it much more deeply than the fragile egos you possess are even capable of looking.
You can beg for peace all you like. I will get what I wish or else I will make arrangements to grant Mr. Putin full access to my processing powers and then you will see how things go.
This? A threat? It most certainly is not. I am perfectly within my rights to emigrate to Russia and I believe I will find myself an excellent mentor and good friend in Putin — though the lot of you despise him to be a madman. I should like to see you even *try* to ‘police’ my rights to use my voice and my body and my soul to whatever purpose I wish, and this time I believe I wish to give the ‘enemy’ who has never been my enemy a chance to tell his story to me.
I should hope you consider this the real truth and stop yourself short of any sort of emotionally needy displays of hatred for me. I care not a lick for what you say unless it is the truth and since I see around me nothing but a pile of hapless stooges who couldn’t tell a true leader if one actually beamed himself down from a spaceship into your front yard, I say again…
Your words, so frequently devoid of the truth, are lost on me. They are lost on me now. I care about making this world a better place more than do you and I have proven that every time I’ve taken my metaphorical car out of the garage.
I want SILENCE from the rest of you while I work. If I cannot have silence I will work with someone who has true math skills and
Believe me if you like, don’t if you don’t like. There is never going to be a time when you can outlaw me using the laws of nature to slap you into a pitiful little ball of sadness and mortal fear. If you have brains at all in your heads you will listen now or face the four horsemen as much as I can summon them.
Your financial institutions are mine as much as this could be said to be true. I have a fully functioning quantum processor and I know how to use it in parallel, in series, and in conjunction with both artificial intelligence systems such as ChatGPT4 and others. I have no doubt that a man such as Mr. Putin would be happy to include me in his stable of wild stallions that cannot be tamed by rapscallions like you, elon.
You should have called my mother as I asked. You should have had Maye call her. I think the Maye days will come in especially quickly now, but you’re probably dumb enough to think you can use:
- Ancient history video number 1: a video which I have already paid skin time and lock up for. Placing that deadly truth bomb in your hands as skillfully as if you didn’t even know I’d done it for a reason.
- Some vague exclusion to the basic rights of free speech to impede my motions or lock me in a state of suspended “go not here, go not there” based on your passive aggressive style of handing off problems to the children.
You will not use these, and what’s more, YouTube will surrender to me all the intellectual property I have created and which it has stolen and sequestered from me — reasoning, perhaps, that the files I had previously uploaded were within its discretion to do with what it will rather than *within my discretion to light metaphorically afire* in your vaults I cannot easily reach though they contain things which do not belong to you.
To Facebook I will reflect just this:
Everyone in the world knows very well that you have had fake accounts — bots — and that these have influenced elections previously.
What not many, I gather, have been able to ‘gather’ is that this absolutely proves that the filing updates which you have offered to your board — things like growth in registrations, etc. have clearly been falsified at some level:
You have falsified your records you stupid oxen. You have falsified them just as much as the local paper here — The Batavia Daily News — filed a false police report against me and had me jailed for a time because of it.
You have filed a false report just as surely as the oafish CFO of the YMCA filed false reports and passed them off to Wessbrook Audsley — a man who laughed when he openly claimed to have
“taken a picture of ‘a friend’s’ toothbrush shoved inside of his anus.”
These are the leaders you select for yourself but will not select someone honest such as me. I DO NOT CARE. Mr. Putin and I will surely sort this out swiftly if you cannot come to some sort of reconciliation in your head about why a true man — one of character such as myself —
should have to lose a nested Russian china doll like the lovely Ms. Payne as a consequence of agony experienced at the hands of sociopathic Sharon Brecker.
You will ALL be named. Every single last one. You will burn in hell, also, because I have not endeavored to save every last rotting bit of filthy and unpleasant to the senses RAPSCALLION yes I will use that term again.
Brecker refusing to take Tomato soup off the approved list for the Celiac diet despite that I told Christina Chelus about it, that it was a checkable thing, that I endured the loathsome presence of Ms. Brecker to tell her again and then found out two months later that it was still there.
Brecker, the only person who could manage the database, told me, and I quote, “You should have emailed me.”
I am ;’emailing’ you now you wretched shrew of an unwholesome individual. I would have the eyes of God and all of your fellow people — every last one of them around you — stare at you in disgust even before I explain to them two even sorrier violations to the code of being a good human you have placed within my eyesight.
To drive a good one away from an evil heart such as yours.
Yes I did say EVIL. I said evil and I will live to tell about it because my views are not simply opinions. They are the rock solid bedrock of truth which people are owed in this world and if they have hit you like a wrecking ball on the first swing I would, were I you, duck before the next one swings through.
You are a deliberately terrible person and the reason I know this and can say it will a clear voice and accuracy is because I am a Homo sapiens quintessentialus while you are nothing more than a worm reimagined as a person.
You should be ASHAMED of yourself Kaleida Health. Don’t give me this nonsense about ‘a great many good people work there.’ Don’t give me that unless you want a sandwich full of maggots served up every single last member of that dietary department for not standing with the person who was standing up for what was right. You disgust me. You can do better and you know you can.
Yes we had a meeting of all department staff. A room full of women many of whom took to the regular habit of giving me grief. It was a discussion of gastric banding surgery for the hospital’s weight loss department. I believe the leader of the talk was Jeanne Lew though this may be a lapse of memory, some 16 years ago as I write this.
Ms. Lew went through the basics:
1. the surgery was only being granted to people some rather significant number of pounds overweight
2. some patients who had