2 min readSep 11, 2021


I'm kind of glad that not everything in life boils down to a simply dichotomy. Wait...nothing in life boils down to s simple dichotomy.

It occurs to me that we ought to be past the point of using language to paint stories against our accursed existence and blame people who haven't hurt us (i.e. innocents) for "societally mediated" offenses.

It is safer to exist in a pack, but no less wrong to point at others--ostensibly members of other such 'packs'--and make our daily bread cultivating resentment toward one another. I suppose we all feel somewhat hurt by the society we live in today, but I wonder how much of animosity is required to ensure the world continues to turn.

I'd like to think it requires none at all but then how might we agree on something as hysterically obvious as that?

I was just saying today that I might not mind all that much if the world did stop.

I guess some guys will do anything to get off.

But seriously...did you hear the one about the girls who couldn't agree with one another enough to take this world back from the lunatics who run it?

How about the one where both women and men treat their 'interim' partners with fairly predictable inverse quantities of respect and subsequently lead to a world full of jaded people and a high percentage of people who don't get laid very often?

[is this thing off? good. <sets down microphone> now let's see how long it takes for the scant few women who actually read all the way through this to "return fire" upon a guy who hasn't even disagreed with author, except insofar as to offer this point:

Painting with wide brushes can often get a very particular kind of good result. If that result is the same one the author is looking for, then this is to say "well done." If, however, it is not other than clear that--with the exception of those who have experienced the equivalent of a motorcycle accident where skidding took place in the absence of a helmet--all craniums are roughly the same thickness, which is to say not not obvious--

Well heck, I could have just said "double negatives don't generally yield a positive" except in such cases where attacking an enemy and rallying one's own troops somehow coincide.

I just work here. I think the world would be a more peaceful place it humans weren't here, but then that might be just sour grapes, because I am one of those gorillas who happened to have read up on my Aesop.

Chauncer made it to the bedside table for a few days, but somehow didn't diffuse into my mind while I was sleeping like the Dickens.

Of course that might have been because of some sort of disturbance in the psychic field which is generated at all psych wards. Could have also been something in the food.

Nurse? NURSE!




Written by đť“Śitter

Placed in this position to maximally reflect all the wonderfully intricate facets of the women around me; we're to build a chandelier, ladies.

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