I don't even know what to say. As much as anyone who I'm sure has ever met me would tell you I've NEVER uttered those words before, I've just been struck speechless. Words won't come. They've deserted this place...
[there was a substantial delay right here while I was recovering and attempting to offer the first of my thoughts. Then I resumed: ]
I can hardly believe I just plain read an analysis that thorough whilst at the same time never once being 'lecture-y.' As genuinely straightforward and polite as I guess I imagined a person might possibly be.
None of which is to say there weren't a handful of things that nitpicky self-heroes of one-upsmanship would domineeringly point out, but an article that exceptional truly deserves the designation of among the impeccably flawless creations a human has ever done with two hands. I mean, fuck sake my friend...
That is the Hammer of Gain Control. I would not mistake it anymore than anyone who has seen my car would ever believe you'd mistake it for someone else's.
1000x more I say, WELL DONE!