I thought, how can I make this car worthy of a trip to the Smithsonian. Apparently I’m *that* good. <wink>


4 min readJan 15, 2024


What to give that guy for Christmas…

um…a pen? a regular cleaning lady?

a big stone cylinder I can collect coins of the world in, in my basement?

Ah! I know…a person who will always be ready to prepare me vegan food so I don’t have to waste my processing picking and so I get to be surprised sometimes.

Best life hack ever:

  1. Go to Subway
  2. Wait in line
  3. On your turn just say, “ah, you know what, I have to go to the bathroom, wash my hands and such. Could you please make me whatever you would normally make for yourself? I like everything and I’m only allergic to shellfish that have gone past their date, which I see you do not have here. I am good for whatever you come up with, in fact here I’ll leave this twenty on the counter you can take whatever the change amounts to.”
  4. Sit back and watch the magic of the universe happen.

You can do this everywhere (doh) <<<this is what they will be saying in month 1 of the new Epoch. definitely won’t take humans a year to figure that out.


*everything* *is* *more* *or* *less* *fixed*


The weight of your not believing this to be the case is trivial to the weight of my believing it to be. <<<<short way for the regular people to ‘know’ this, and an elegant hack to allow us to transition from the point of highest aggregate overall tension in human history (yep, can prove that assertion, too)

to: Holy cow! We really ARE neighbors? Neighbors on a planet that EM:ME are driving?

Cuban and Musk are smoking Cubans — let’s face it, that’s not a law.

This, by extension, means that POTUS needs to pardon my friend Darci Walthew’s husband (I will not detail the reasons, I needn’t. YOU (i.e., the world) needs my processing power working on the right problems, you don’t need to refuse me simple requests in the errant belief that you can somehow use force to prove that I am wrong.

If I were wrong, it would not be the case that physical human bodies move toward the Pope. It would not be the case that I could see Rihanna moving across the floor of the Rivian unveiling in New York City and I could also see an instantaneous glare from her as she sought to ‘force’ me to move my boots from the place at which they were strung — across her path.

Of course I complied. I didn’t even see her until the woman I was talking with (facing the other direction) broke eye contact with me, despite that I’d engaged with her quite thoroughly.

Some of us are scientists; some are street-dabblers like me. I follow the good ones, the good ones follow me, and I know how to help people fix their issues with one another such that I fully expect Mr. Putin, for example, to take me up on the offer I’ve given to visit me here at my house — a place where I will offer him asylum from any potential fear he might have that he’d come to harm if he came here.

We don’t have an issue with illegal aliens, IS THAT CLEAR?

If it isn’t, read Farm Hands by my father’s close personal friend Tom Rivers (also more than happy to do initial interviews with the luckiest guy on the planet (ok, see, so there’s modesty. I could have said solar system (true), Milky Way (might be true), local cluster (hey, maybe)…

better to be lucky than good, but better to be both if you can/ <wink>

Final note, to keep things ‘spinning’ positively:

./. ===means leans right

.\. ===means leans left

.|. ===means not worth processing on. It’s about right.

My original work on all this is here:

The whole thing is worth reading for…well, “historical” purposes.

It happened to be one of my finer moments. I will henceforward call it:

The moment of the consideration between a blue car and a red one.

This, shockingly/not-shockingly the thing that made the difference, Elon.

They will be talking about this for EONS.

If you already have Athena, don’t you want Aphrodite, too? It would help you test the >>ROLLER CHARGER<<

You can go play some INXS now, Elon. Do it. It will make someone ↑↑↑

have. your mom call my mom at some point.

My heart hurts (this is, actually, somewhat physically taxing) and my parents are quite worried, as is the rest of my family. That takes a lot of processing power to stabilize — distracting me from better work (clean water, etc._.)

incidentally, this sign >>>> ._. <<<< is me as a toad/frog attempting to cross the road in heavy traffic:

Hmmm…if I jump at *precisely* the right time no one will even know I’m here.




Written by 𝓌itter

Placed in this position to maximally reflect all the wonderfully intricate facets of the women around me; we're to build a chandelier, ladies.

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