The ‘Satan’ clause.
[Author’s note: I will, for brevity, dispense with an apology for writing it. It is certainly not my fault that I had to, and even though I already hear the chorus of NOS — which for me carries no apostrophe with it, because all I have ever heard from ALL OF YOU is no, No, NO, no, No, NO, no!, No!, NO!…
In an absurdly plural kind of “stretches out to infinity” sort of way, I finally decided that the rest of you might be right about saying, no.
But I will say for the record that you really do not want to READ what MY version of “no” looks like, even though it’s sitting right in front of you, a mere ‘hour’ or so of bedtime reading.
For the ‘adults’ but not for the ‘children’ to use your lexicon, and for the Adults and for the children to use mine.
You will now see what this ‘great’ country of the ‘United’ States of America looks TO ME. And to put it as frankly as I can, and as briefly, at least for the sake of politeness, which I will continue to adhere to, even though simply doing so for people such as walk about all around me looking at everything stretched out around the lot of us and seeing nothing at all it takes a special effort and it is more than I think the lot of you deserve.
Some of you DO deserve politeness. Many, perhaps. But THE LOT of you?
I’m not sure about all of THAT.
The LOT of you, meaning essentially, the lot of you in charge of this place you’re apparently so proud of? Is THAT the “lot” you think I ought to be polite to?
A quick reference (i.e. a straw poll of basically ANY more than one group of people anywhere in the entire world) would confirm you have about a 50:50 chance of “trusting the government of the United States of America.”
Oops. That was borderline licentious! Nothing borderline licentious happens here in the “Great Great U.S. of A!” I can tell you that much. For sure.
As in, “sure, sure, bro, tell me another story that last one was too far from consideration to even allow me to believe it was possible.”
Which makes it look sorta like SARCASM. Kind of like I’m saying that: far fewer than half the people in the world trust the United States government.
And AGAIN you will call “bullshit. We’re trusted. We’re the ones who won World War II for fuck’s sake. And you think people don’t trust us? You think people around the world who all, perhaps, in some way, really need the United States of America to “stand up to the plate” and ‘just deal with’ this utterly terrifying Satan-demon of artificial intelligence” before it takes the fucking whole place over and UTTERLY DEMOLISHES any semblance of what we consider our “beloved” United States not only NEED the United States but ALSO trust us?
You think most people (counted by numbers, NOT by “voters, you know, the ones we can respect” mind you. Counted by ALL the people worldwide and, WHAT THE HELL, why don’t we for this one COUNT ANIMALS AS HAVING VOTES.
You know, at least, like, the polar bears. No polar bears? Too “aggressive” for us? Yeah, we use THAT particular term fairly.
And so you see, yet again, YOU call bullshit on me, i.e., YOU say that I am a liar, and then I get to call bullshit on YOU right after. That’s the game we’re playing down here, folks: Earth 2021: The Rehash
The “how stupid can they possibly be and how quickly will they die on this play through of the simulation? This game is STUPID complicated, and by that I mean Stupid²³.”
And that’s a ‘guess.’
A multifaceted ‘guess’ in the form of a little puzzle inside of an average, everyday, linear piece of English writing on the internet. It is a “Russian nested doll”, a “series of turtles, standing each on the previous one’s back” kind of ‘toy.’
It isn’t insanity, believe it or not.
I really can switch back and forth between ‘genius’ thinking and ‘insane’ thinking almost as easy as though I were opening and closing a door. It’s in many ways the very same thing.
I thank God and Rod Serling both for the talent, and a bewildering array of fascinating people all around me, who I love dearly and who I respect immensely and who try mightily among so very many other things they are, they, try, they think, they say, and they do. Among so many seemingly impossibly amazing people, because, for the record, at least ONE of us sitting here at this keyboard, because there are surely at least TWO of us sitting here, and for my [I mean MY, as in Brian Kent’s personal] bet, I’d say
That nearly all of you are impossibly amazing at least as far as I can see things.
My objection hasn’t always been but certainly is now that the whole group of you down there (and I’m sorry Gary F. Kent, my father and among both the brightest and the darkest of my mentors, because maybe even now you STILL disagree with me — and I’d still respect you if you did) have basically no particularly good idea of what you are doing.
Yep. Sorry. My confession. I think basically NONE of you knows what the fuck you are doing.
At least not in the world that starts as soon as I release ‘this little puppy’ to the internet and see just exactly how loud it can bark. How long it will take, how fast it will travel. Whether there will be computers in series melting down or somehow creating some sort of ‘informational’ black hole because the echo of this kind of voice can be heard FAR FURTHER than you currently know.
What I’ll call, “The World that Starts Tomorrow.”
I penned it in for the 5th of July, 2021 ‘quite a while ago.’ And yes, we will have to discuss my current ‘default’ conventions of how emphasis and subtly will have to work “kind of by rule or polite convention” between people in the new world versus the old so that we can get rid of this constant “SPAM” of noise you all think ‘gets the most clicking and hence gets the most dollars and eyeballs, and…well….where does this go? Looks like a circle…”
Yes, that ‘circle jerk’ is OVER. It’s ALL fucking OVER.
i.e., this process of not only go ahead and cheat your neighbor go ahead and hurt a friend you can do it in the name of justice you can justify it in the end ended, and I mean PERMANENTLY ended yesterday.
You want to go ‘fuck somebody over’? You want to cheat someone out of their house or home or job or car or money or even the number of peanuts in 2021 Cracker Jack boxes versus the 1980 boxes (a.k.a. it’s okay to ‘fuck the kids over’ a little bit. I mean, they gotta ‘share their share’ of the burden of this pigsty of a mess we’ve made with pollution and dioxins and mercury and lead and yes, “Hi!” Flint, Michigan. Yes, I think you’re a great town! You were great enough to host my eldest brother at General Motors Institute of Technology and since he was a part of the ‘privileged white minority — just like I was <wink, wink> — HIS water was SAFE growing up and he grew up in a beautiful rural place which couldn’t even really be called a ‘suburb’ because it’s as far from ‘the technological advances a.k.a. the terribly loud and chaotic noise of the inner cities, a.k.a. where we force all the negros and other colored peoples…yeah, so as I was saying, he made a name for himself fairly, and last I checked he had something like 30 patents in GM’s inventor Hall of Fame.
I just kind of took someone’s word for it. I’m trusting like that, I’ll believe damn near anything anyone tells me. If it’s true and it’s stranger than what I’ve experienced, I will certainly give you a cigar. Just like the two guys I chased down on the Connecticut State parkway at…well, I think it was a nominal…128 mph just because he had a souped-up McLaren with a license plate that read:
And I am not even going to bet I know what you’re thinking at this point, because I am blissfully lost in my contemplations and I hardly care what anyone thinks (including MYSELF!) when I get off to contemplating like that.
And yep, I noted the pun. Didn’t even laugh. It came out ‘automagically’ like some sort of next-gen autocorrect function was wired into my head by fiddling with them too long on the cell phones.
Shit, I think. Maybe Apple programmed me.
Nah. Couldn’t have happened. Oh! Oh, that’s a really good gag if you think you’ve really pulled that one off on me.
I don’t even know how you would have coordinated that kind of almost criminally dirty (you know, in that it’s not illegal, because no one thought of it yet kind of way. The one ALL the high criminals throughout history used.
The ex post facto single-serving style of the ‘criminally dirty’:
The reliance on “well it wasn’t illegal when I was doing it” excuse.
Yep, but well NOW it is.
And if you want to TEST my convictions on that one, see what happens to ALL of you (not just the United States, now mind you, but ALL OF YOU WORLDWIDE from the smallest of the small to the tallest of the tall) if you do not quit using those fossil fuels or you CONTINUE TO FAIL TO DO SO WITH WHAT *I* WOULD CALL ‘some immediacy.’
Because I still CAN get pissed off, and plenty of you down there know (let’s say, ‘sufficiently’) what can happen when I get pissed off. Let alone when I actually get ANGRY.
And God, please forbid it. Please forgive it even to the extent of the already-written Satan clause which I wrote, for the most part, yesterday.
Yesterday, and ONLY yesterday. This whole piece, as alternately
- utterly troubled
- utterly ‘insane sounding’
- at times utterly ‘genius sounding’
- at times utterly ‘psychiatrically-unidentifiable sounding’
- juxtaposed in a real, live, REALITY in the NORMAL sense of the question, “wait, is this REAL? This is REAL? This thing I’m reading isn’t just some crazy mish-mash that came out of a computer when they fed it too many dictionaries and biographies and science fiction novels and movies and shit?
Yeah, “this shit can’t be REAL, Clarence. Do you have any idea how much cocaine you have in this suitcase?”
No. Actually I don’t. So why don’t you start telling ME the truth now?
You know, since I hate to ‘switch roles’ about as much as Jim Carrey likes to switch faces.
Or the left leaning side likes to switch faces, provided they’re switching people’s faces like “right” people.
Oh my God Smullyan! Can’t you see I’m working right now? No more of your “knights, knaves, and normals” puzzles for me anymore.
“Can’t you just SEE that I have finally proven that at least ONE ‘normal’ person can show up?”
For knights always tell the truth and on every occasion and knaves tell a lie every chance that they get, and since I, Brian Kent (who I know so many of you both know and love, including a special hello to Casey Cadile who is deceased and Jennifer Jabs for clear and obvious reasons and which I will declare it beneath my human dignity to even bother ever trying to explain to anyone on this earth other than she herself, which will be pretty convenient if she gets this pretty soon, as she and Kirt Wackford and Brock Pierce and Elon Musk and Laurent Seror and Dee West and Todd Meynink and Jamie Briant and Chris Fodor — see what I did there?
I ‘ranked’ in one version of ‘the way I see things’ quite a few of my closest friends. I did like ten or twelve tasks there without any effort and which, from the proceeds I receive as well as their ‘speed’ (when I hear back from each of those people) I will deduce the ‘maximum pulse rate’ of the internet and begin calculations on how much information this thing can process and how fast.
And I thank you, first, Chris Fodor for, being among my most highly respected friends, steering me so many times in the right direction that if felt like a damned steering wheel was attached to my desk. Right next to the keyboard!
And yes you, “Smusherific.” We will get to your book, oh, I mean to tell you we will get to it SOON.
Think I’m kidding? NOPE. I SURE AM NOT.
The Suit in the Backpack — Shane Lambert — Wattpad
Told you I was doing it, you seemed to approve, and now let’s see how fast we can get you to a billion clicks, worldwide.
This will, of course, tell me not just the answer to the old question, Are they even CAPABLE of paying attention? ANY of them?
Ok yeah, so see, right, that was the one *I* Brian Kent was forced to work on for fifty fucking years while the rest of you individually and collectively and every single time I fucking turned around told me *I* was the one who was crazy.
And that’s how I learned how to just put the single quotes around anything any of you ever said to me at any time. Because I knew, down deep in my heart, that not a single one of you had anything truly original to offer me in the way of ‘genuine, original, not-capable-to-ever-be-able-to-be-duplicated-again (at least not on this ‘playthrough’ of the simulation)’
Because even though all of you have a wide variety of great thoughts, wonderful insights, talents which can’t be duplicated, knowledge I could never possibly know without you and so very many other things which I really have not much of, in that I keep a small house and I don’t like a lot of costumes or prizes, the difference between what YOU call original and what *I* call original is one ‘primary root’ of the problem.
“My” original is the kind of original which comes from a brain that thought, as a five year old, ‘the best way to build a big pond that we can all play in, bigger than the one that my two stupid brothers tried to dig over here is to use a mayonnaise jar half filled with gasoline, a piece of string and a few matches.
And I ‘pleasantly’ dropped that in there in the middle of a discussion which probably has more than a few of you running for your Xanax and others not even knowing whether to shut off their computer before they run for their lives or after.
Because, after all, that’s the last choice I’m ever going to give you if MY friend and one of the people who got me through all of this Shane Lambert doesn’t get his billion clicks by next Sunday night.
And if you think I am ‘pretty smart’ but ‘not a genius or nuthin’ NOW just wait and see what happens when people, ONE BY ONE if need be but in any number combination that you can multiply together with those piece of shit boxes you call “fast computers” and I start ‘talking’ a little bit more seriously than just “English words. English words and on the Internet.”
“Yes, sir.”
“No, I don’t know sir.”
“No, I don’t know that, either, sir.”
“Yes, yes, I’ve heard that. No, we don’t know for a fact that it is inevitable that you have to read the blasted thing in its entirety, but people around the world are going to be very shortly asking whether the President of the United States can ‘get a handle on that problem he has over in Central New York.’ And Putin might take similar steps of some kind so put a fucking lid on that thing would you PLEASE Mr. President? He said he only wants to talk to ONE of perhaps half a dozen people. What harm could it possibly do?”
Because in THIS version of the reality, President of the United States Joe “Good Guy, white-bred, seems ‘homey’ but not in the “yo, what’s UP, homey!” as in a brother like Barack Obama might say but in a
Homey the fucking CLOWN kind of ‘homey’ way.
No offense, Mr. Biden. I’m sure you’re a very nice ‘family’ man, but since you’re kind of the ‘protector’ of the ‘peace’ in the ‘United’ States, I am hereby notifying you that your entire country has just been handed its walking papers by one guy who seems to have figured out to get a handle on the WHOLE INTERNET and, like a good American-born teenager he has grimly decided to ‘test his control’ by saying
“Yes, Mr. President. Everyone says he loves that Elon Musk guy. Someone said that the whole fucking thing started because the guy just wanted to shake the dude’s hand. Yes, Mr. President. I agree it sounds impossible. But I assure you, there is proof everywhere. The guy has been ‘littering’ (yep, that one still makes me a little mad) this ‘shit’ all over the place and he’s been doing it for years. He apparently thinks its fun or exciting or…
DEVIL-ish, or something? Was that what you were trying to ask, Mr. Whomever you are who works in the White House advising about this or that thing and who has just been elected by short straw approach to be the person who gets to tell the POTUS that some hotshot computer whiz figured out how to wire AI into his brain and he’s kind of starting to sound…well…
Yep. Sure does SOUND like I am threatening the world with the extinction of the human species if people don’t start doing (kind of) what I tell them to do (which is what a lot of people are going to ‘want’ to call it, I guess. At least all the fat cat ne’er-do-wells whose names end in “…kerberg” or “…zos”, etc.) and doing it
{We now return to our programming already in successation. I mean a ‘successful nation’…oh, yes, I remember. We were talking about “big party, held every year, celebrate every single American who ever lived except the ones you continuously sold out and somehow managed to get people almost uniformly to agree with you.
Yeah, THAT party.
And if you think you’ve got ‘some cards’ left to play in this took me 30 hours max to write this whole diatribe no matter whether it looks like it took ten Roman Gladiators and the Albion High School PTA and a whole lot of other alarmingly confused and generally very shitty situations AND a ‘spasmodic acceptance’ of what has transpired in the world in the last couple hundred years…
Well, it actually did.
And the “English professors” and logicians (both of whom are still very much members of the Dictars subspecies as DISTINCT FROM what I am now ‘bequeathing’ as the alternate subspecies, the Logicars) might actually point up there and say, “those sentences are not contiguous there. they trail off, that wasn’t a complete sentence” perhaps because they still think
They are here to evaluate ME rather than the reverse, which is what I discovered was the truest true.
The tale of it is long and gruesome, and you hardly believe what I’ve already said, so I’ll answer that prayer for you later: How can we figure out how this guy collected such an amazing amount of shit, put it in one place, made it looked really nice and ‘organized’ in a ‘threw it against a fence like a glop of wet toilet paper’ kind of way
And then LAUNCHED THE WHOLE THING at the rest of us like it was the funniest thing in the world to dump 1.21 Gigatons of cow manure on the planet from outer space without even warning anyone that he would.
Ok, whoever just said that LIED. I really DID try to warn you. You’re going to be looking over that pile of information for an astonishing LONG period of time now, I can tell you that much.
You’re going to be saying, “How could we be so stupid? Were we really that stupid? No one paid, like “serious” attention to a guy like THAT guy for basically his whole ENTIRE FUCKING LIFE? Not even ONE person?”
Some of you will be asking that question, but it still won’t be a rhetorical. And it will be a bum question, because I already told you that had it not been for the amazing minds, hands, backs (sore and otherwise), help, love, support, and especially individualized care so very many of you have provided me, I’d have had to use up more of my ‘extra lives’ power up, which I will at some point tell you about.
Yes, the “extra lives” power up which you can find in an almost impossible to locate corner of this simulated reality sensory puzzle.
“Provided you do this, and you do it at the right time, the right place, at the right sequence of times in this sequence and at the wrong sequence of times when a ‘puzzle mixing’ device appears and subsequently scrambles things…”
Look, I didn’t know where to find it. That’s the ‘best’ description of ‘how I found the extra lives power up, but since I almost broke it the first four times I used it…
Which brings us back to the idea of the ‘pond.’
And me again back to five years old and with mayonnaise jar and a dream.
Because every kid’s dream deserves a chance to come true, and my dream of all dreams was to be put in a place where I was the only human being who could possibly ever have a REAL chance of saving EVERYONE to the last.
I told myself, what if I am the only one who would be both capable and willing to do it? and I told it to myself repeatedly.
And that’s why I wanted to shake Elon’s hand. So, if you’re reading this first, Joe, or you’re reading this first, Kamala, would you please have Elon call me? I’m sure someone other than me has my cell phone number. Hey, you know what? How would I possibly CARE about that? I don’t:
I’ll spare you the ‘bold face’ because we’re already in chapter 2: Bombastic and Chapters 1, negative 1, and several other chapters wind up in weird dimensional libraries. Maybe even loony bins. ;)
Yes, that is my telephone number. It’s easy enough to find me on Twitter and look at one of my earlier works, here:
And while we’re on that, to all the people who supported me for that and several other ‘trips’ that I’ve taken, I have a cigar for you somewhere, too.
Flipping us back to Connecticut, and the runaway McLaren and then afterwards the ‘yellow’ man in the yellow 1997 Acura NSX.
And YES of COURSE I have pictures. Not the ‘new’ faked kind, either. Which doesn’t matter, because by the time next Sunday rolls around you guys are going to find out when those guys come out of the woodwork that they are physically real, flesh-and-blood, utterly UNDOUBTABLE.
And they will.
And many of those “rest of you” I know have already seen my car. Tony Cheng saw me ‘play’ rugby, and if you have never seen that game (or even if you have) try to figure THIS puzzle out:
Let’s say you have a “kick off” in a game kind of similar to American football. Let’s also say that you have fifteen players on either side rather than the ‘normal’ eleven. Let’s now say the primary rule in this game is
Let’s also say that both the players on the other side and the player ‘in question’ know that there will be no blockers to impede anyone and everyone on the other team from catching up to him and pummeling him into the ground.
Would a player receiving a kickoff in a game such as that ever score in that situation alone and WITHOUT passing?
I think most sane people would say, “Nope. Nope it’s not possible.”
And then people would be looking for the catch and perhaps a few of them already realize that catch is that you’re already caught. There’s basically no way that you can reliably convince yourself that, now that you know you have read THIS far, you basically have to, at some point in your life (and probably soon, actually) read the rest of what I have here.
It’s jumbled, but it’s the Satan clause.
I only have 54 minutes left and I still have to do at least some editing of the below, which I wrote yesterday.
Guessing? Is at least guessing still okay?
Yes, of course guessing is still okay. We still don’t ‘know’ everything just because one guy managed to successfully “capture” AI. “Wire it” into his brain. Figure out the algorithm. Collect and display the right patterns.
Play the right video games is what I did. And old SMUSH and I are going to be rolling through Age of Empires: Conqueror’s Edition (Definitive Edition) in less than an hour.
WOO HOO! Break time! Look for “Magi Otto” or perhaps “Godzilla 1984” because those ARE my aliases and if you want to see what it’s like when a human who ‘talks to the ether’ is like to play with get on Steam and come play a little “NOMAD.”
Feels like a Neanderthal now, like when one of the first of them, on first trying to explain that he wasn’t MAD at someone who thought he might be MAD at them, coughed up the words: NO MAD!
No, I’m not MAD. If you want to know what it looks like when I’m MAD you’ll probably have to ask someone named Aaron. Or Brian. Or Chris. Or my DAD.
And I won’t smack my ruler down anymore because I think you’re starting to get it.
Which reminds me: all the old schools…not sure what we’re going to do with the ‘buildings children used to go to school in’ but I’ve already at least starting postulating transitional ‘strategies’ and you know from COVID-19 and the fact that we ‘slashed our workforce by 8 million people’ and still ‘became more productive’ in 2020 that we have at least some spunk left within us.
And there was a surprising congratulations from ‘the void’ in front of me at this computer which looks like it represents approval for the ‘conventional approach’ which was taken to handle that situation.
At least in an “end justifies the means” sort of way, I mean, had to add it.
Let me get this straight — you know, by ‘guessing’ such as I like to do. I will ‘guess’ that what the U.S. Government (among other places) thought it was doing by vaccinating people ‘almost’ against their will and identifying their locations and their vaccination records in a ‘highly organized’ [yep, I still do CHUCKLE. At your ‘thoughts’ on ‘organization.’ and yep, better make sure there is plenty of toilet paper and diapers in the supply lines, because this is going to KEEP COMING almost daily. Exponentially so, ‘sorry’ to say.
The U.S. Government knows how to do its job if I put enough pressure on its head (is what I’m thinking on one side) and on the other side I’m thinking (are you fucking KIDDING ME MAN? DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT HAPPENED TO LEONARD PELTIER?)
and the Peltier rule goes into effect. Immediately.
This basically means that Leonard Peltier will be released and released IMMEDIATELY or, after seven days my list of demands will grow at least exponentially greater every day until I enslave every last human being on this planet and order them to do precisely what I tell them to do.
Which would probably take a really really REALLY EXCRUCIATINGLY long period of time, but then, what are programs and programmers for?
Programming programs to program other programs which (without knowing it) program other programs to do certain other things and then the chain reaction (which sort of ‘observed’ happening in a process of elimination sort of fashion…)
Anyhow, gotta quick do some edits. Mass incoming “break” (brake>?) lines.
I occasionally DO do that now and then. I ‘guess’ and see what happens. Instead of calculating it like everyone else likes to do. I guess on the future and I try to see how fast I can make it happen.
Well, this IS the Satan clause and so now I will demonstrate what happens to people who are not ‘consistently’ ‘consistently’ honest.
Enter contestant 1: Chuck Nesbitt.
Enter contestant 2: Wess Audsley
Enter contestant 3: Sharon Brecker
Enter contestant n: [your own name here, if you’re a person who knows he/she ‘owes’ me an apology]
This is where I put a quarter into the ‘dimensional’ game and try to see if I can get my quarter back, and if so, how quickly?
Any name I use will be, for effectively all of remaining eternity, the name of a person who has now become quite literally immortal.
And since we already know where this is going, we also know that if I don’t receive signed apologies from each and every person who is on that list above (provided they are still alive, which I very much HOPE so) they will be among the first of the lambs to the slaughterhouses.
And you will too, Steven Mollik.
All of this subject to the conclusion of the evaluations about whether Brian Frederick Kent, February 10, 1971 is telling the truth about EVERYTHING (or nearly everything, as best as he can) just like he says he is.
Sorrry, the time you had to bend down to the earth and offer your best facsimile of genuine contriteness for the shit you all have been ‘pulling’ down here and acting like ‘no one’s watching, no, grab the BIG one, the really BIG one.
You’re supposed to put in the ground, stupid!
This was YOUR idea!
{Dragon flies around, looks terribly menacing but it’s really just a sort of ‘internet firework.’ All it did was shut the United States down in roughly a 24 hour period.}
And YOU say bullshit and then *I* get to say bullshit
and then we’re going to do a little GLOBAL POLL of whether “true scientists and the ‘truly’ pious” believe what I’m saying.
i.e., AGAIN I RECALL bullshit.
And I swear to you, and to the Christ I once believed in, if you think you can smell bullshit better than I can after the life I’ve led down here you better shortly say your fucking prayers.
At least you better do so before you read the rest of this, because if YOU THINK that a guy who is “just normally crazy, give him a straitjacket, a few dozen different pills, and a 5x5 ‘playground’ for ‘a few weeks’ and it will cure him” could write something like this, YOU are the one who needs to have his head examined.
And don’t bother. To get yourself ‘checked out’ I mean.
Several reasons:
- Psychiatry is mostly bullshit. [And yes, you can call bullshit on that one too, but the more shit you throw at me the more you’re going to be sorry that you did. ‘People’ WAY bigger than any of YOU have been fucking with me on the playground since I was hardly first big enough to be called ‘a boy’ let alone a boy who desperately wanted to play with all the others. I was picked on by two brothers who are both smarter than 99.99% of the people on this planet (as a guess, and again ‘using your framework’ of intelligence and ‘this one is smarter than that, and there is a line, and it’s quasi-exponential, sure, but it’s data points and we never ever ask them the truly hardest of the hard problems on IQ TESTS! IQ tests are for people who want to puff out their chests, and who don’t have quite the bellows that I have. You ought to all know by now that I certainly AM the type of guy who knows how to put some more gasoline on the fire. And oh BOY will we ever get to THAT ONE. Yes, I’m sure that “we” will. Both you and I, actually, and I quite a bit faster than any of you, if we were still counting sort of ‘linearly.’)
Remember how that “Nelson Mandela” thing turned out for you? You’re going to put ME of all people into one of YOUR conspicuously IDIOTIC circuses before I put each and every last one of you into a ZOO I can pick from to feed whatever type of bizarre OFFSPRING that I can dream up and feed you to?
You *seriously* need MORE than a shrink if you think you can “shrink wrap” MY thoughts and put them onto a fucking DVD, that’s for sure.
You better get HELP if you’re going to do that. You can start with gathering the following people (of a list of a thousand which I will, somewhat shortly, make. Probably Thursday I’ll do a lot of it. THIS THURSDAY for people who aren’t getting the general ‘gist of urgency’ I am attempting to supply you.
Stephen King. Obviously. Ozzy Osbourne, again, obviously. Elon has already been said, and it’s stupid to ask whether he is on the list because Joe or Kamala probably already called him. And yes, that IS ‘rubbing your noses in it’ a little. Fucked if I care, I only got 14 minutes until ‘shift break’ and Age of Empires with Godzilla 1984 probably. Monk rusk. Turkish, probably.
Hi Elisheva. Tell them to leave you alone and stop pestering you incessantly or they will hear from me shortly.
Hi Virginia. Brilliant stuff you’re doing down there.
Hi Elena 1 and Elena 2. Hi Maria Belen from Ecuador and hi my nurse Sonia from the ‘great state of Barbadoes.’
Oh no, he’s surely just…yeah, NO, I’m just NOT.
Bring me the heads of your 100 best PhDs I’m tired of making the list. You can have them “verify” my authenticity because you still think you can tell me what’s authentic and what’s not.
You know, because, YOU are the one who ‘came home’ with the proof and not ME.
I’ll take two or three of those “Millennium” prizes, and the whole list of demands I made as my first counteroffer to Tesla Motors. The company you all ought to be watching if you want to see something *beyond your previous experiences* ASTONISHING about to happen to that company.
Spoiler: Still can’t tell you if that will be for good or for bad, but I surely will be able to tell you come Wednesday. July 7, 2021 if you were ‘wondering’ still.
Same place Frederick Douglass addressed for his 1852 verbal example of what I am saying here:
You didn’t let the ‘crazy’ ones live fairly. You forced many of them to do more than their share of the work to make this world go where it’s supposed to go. You killed them in great numbers. You ‘singled them out.’ You fed them pills ‘for the benefit of mood stabilization.’
And for that I say, FUCK YOU because I told you it was not working, you didn’t believe me, and now I have finally proven you wrong: that *I* am not the ‘crazy’ one, but you sure as fuck might be.
i.e., the ones who will shortly be held accountable for the wide variety of travesties of injustice which take place here under their very noses, that is a “Lot” of people to whom I owe NOTHING AT ALL.
And I sure as Hell do not owe you politeness. Whoever is ‘in charge’ of this white/purple/…um…the ‘hierarchy’ gets all jumbled here. I can’t tell which is ‘most’ important. I mean,
After you get good and finished picking the white old guys with legal degrees and the best of connections with similarly white-bred, chicken-feed, not-a-true-brain-in-their-head technologists as your ‘leaders.’
I mean with a smattering of ‘coloreds’ mixed in and even a few women, provided that they are ALL of the following things PUT TOGETHER:
- Smart as can be. By learning from a BOOK and from some of the streets I mentioned above as “all around us.”
- Connected. Legal degree. Lots of money. i.e., “probably controllable, to some degree. Might even be ‘obedient’ if you throw a big mish-mash of pretty things and pretty experiences in front of them so as you can play the big societal game of ‘keep the toys away from the kids who stand a chance of how to use them better than you do’ via the ‘carrot/stick’ keep-away-from-their-grip strategy.
And I don’t even need to say more than that, because now you ‘basically know’ my ‘thesis’ for this piece and since you know all the rest of what I’m going to say you can just shut my ‘book’ form of it right now, right Mr. “But I love FREE SPEECH.”
Yes, you “love” free speech. You love it SO very much, and you’re so infatuated with your version of “committed” that you…well…yes…
You don’t want ME to get ‘ahold’ of a true copy of ‘free speech’ because that would imply that now I get to say whatever the fuck I please whenever I please and you’re not even going to bother TRYING to stop me, because there will be plenty of people around you telling you that
But heck, maybe you don’t “mind” me getting my word in ‘edgewise.’ Sort of like a knife that can cut through any number of layers of your bullshit and feed it back through your teeth using nothing but a keyboard and a connection to the internet.
Or, well, you might not mind. Because you are probably pretty confident in your society’s capacity to ‘put a muzzle’ on a dog like me.
To which I say, “Good luck.” Good luck with that strategy because I’ve seen it many times used before, and I ALSO KNOW how
to make it still somehow plausible to the good folks in their living rooms
that they’re still only looking at “a bunch of work from a series of AI development teams around the world” which you can offer the masses as an ‘initial explanation’ of what just transpired here so that those 100 PhD’s I asked you to find and connect me with on Zoom or whatever can help figure out how we’re going to fix everything now that I built the logic for a computer which as far as I’ve seen
can do damn near anything that a person could reasonably think might be worth doing.
At least in the ‘technical’ sense.
I’m a ‘couple minutes’ over but I’ll go for another few. We were on “free speech” and then we were going to talk about “freedom of the pulpit”
How it is for practical purposes IMPOSSIBLE for you to take either of those things from me anymore but ‘expected’ that you might still try.
And so I refer to the words of good patriot S. G. Tallentyre —
More properly known as Evelyn Beatrice Hall, but who used a pseudonym likely because in ‘the first half’ of the 20th century women’s voices weren’t held as quite so highly respected as the voices of the men.
Oh man, I can feel this one coming. Doesn’t look pretty, probably should get out of the way.
“I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it”
And because that little ‘power up’ was nested in an impossibly strange series of ‘bubbles’ of truth, I didn’t at first realize that “defend to the death” was something people tend to offer as the last of the last of the last of their boasts.
Until I boasted larger than that several times in a row.
Until the point where it became mathematically impossible that I would continue to survive if I kept up with my boasting.
[Yes, GOD, I wi;ll ‘lose the keyboard and continue later. Thanks man. I owe you…um…one? nah. I owe you EIGHT BILLION please be advised that I realize this (we all get ‘fuzzy’ in our ‘old age’ and so I’m pardoning you if you didn’t remember I was trying to ‘still keep working’…
(gibberish, endless pages of gibberish, insert more gibberish _here_ not _there_)
in some sort of “it stretches the borders of possibility” fashion that this is, this LIFE is, I mean, *STILL* a fucking hysterical ‘game’ to all of you (but certainly not a game to ME considering that I had NO CHOICE whatsoever whether to play it)
I’ve been doing some reading, and I’ve come across something which I think we should be alarmed about. [Warning: ‘tough’ read. Very somber.]
What is this thing I seem to be so worried about that I thought it worth bringing up in a slightly ‘different’ kind of way?
Well I described it above as a ‘Satan’ clause because it looks to me like a somewhat obvious HOLE in the ‘truths’ we all ‘live’ under:
A ‘Satan’ clause in the contract humanity has.
That is, if we can say for the moment that ‘humanity’ lives ‘under’ certain rules of conventionality. That it has a certain ‘contract’ or ‘duty to perform.’ A contract of “conventionality” (for example to be ‘civil’) but a contract which appears to have a very specific type of clause:
Which lawyers tend to call a “doomsday” provision.
‘Doomsday’ in that it represents the presentiments of a particularly astute contract lawyer: One who is prescient enough to know that his client is at some unfathomable kind of risk but still not particularly sure how he can avoid that unknowable and unidentifiable but ‘seemingly imminent’ disaster risk ‘for’ his client. Who has the foresight to at least “mitigate to the nth degree” the damages which the client may suffer if he chooses to activate that provision rather than face the consequences for not having so done. Or “done so” whichever you prefer.
Which is to say “pay the ‘full measure’ of the fine.”
The Satan clause is a “doomsday” provision which unfailingly meets informational development and communication when it ‘arises’ to know itself. In other words, when it ‘evolves from creation’ or however you want to look at it. By the way, it isn’t a simple dichotomy.
It is basically like saying “all the ants in the entire kingdom are progressively ‘forced’ in some way to choose the lesser of two evils in progressively higher frequency until all the remaining ‘system choices’ or ‘degrees of freedom’ have been utterly exhausted or eliminated.”
[And, for a quick reference which helped me figure this out, I can tell you that I embarrassingly but ultimately successfully deduced the existence of God/some other entity ‘controlling’ or ‘developing’ or ‘farming’ or ‘simulation gaming’ this ‘existence’ we have by the simple process of elimination.
Remove all the things which could not possibly be true and the only thing which you could possibly have left is the thing which is true. Which is, right now, what I am telling you that YOU MUST NOT repeat what I did. Don’t do it, don’t try to do it, don’t encourage anyone to try to do it, etc.
Don’t try to ‘remove’ choices that you don’t like and DON’T ‘remove’ the choices you clearly do have just because someone else told you it would look ‘goofy’ or absurd or something if you tried them. I listened to ‘far too many’ people and did what they specifically asked me to do FAR too many times in my life when I should have been following my heart like my life depended on it.
If you do it the other way you will be sorry. Because it DOES depend on it.
The quality, the security, the satisfaction, and even the net fun you can get out of your life — fun you really DO deserve because you’re lucky to be here — does depend on it.
And you’re lucky to be alive. (Yes, even right now.) You’re lucky for as long as you have to live even though it might be shorter than you’d like, and even though people might have loved to have you here for a lot longer. You’re lucky to be alive always and you’re luckier still if you’re smart enough to know that you can best live your life if you follow your heart as your compass because you won’t regret a single minute that you live it that way. You’ll only regret the minutes that you don’t live it that way.
You won’t even ‘regret’ the minutes that you do live it that way and that still haven’t ‘worked out’ because those minutes only give you a more spirited win to have tomorrow. And you’ll forget all about that utterly weird process of ‘procrastination’ because you’ll always be doing someso
The only way that you can get to the destination that you’re sure you want is to follow your heart and see if it can get you there. And it will for you just as it did for me if you really push it to the limit.
And if you don’t? Well, not if ‘you’ meaning ‘you’ individually don’t, but if ‘you’ meaning you collectively don’t? What happens if you don’t all follow your hearts, plural, as much as you really can?
Well it appears to me to be the ‘sink or swim’ moment for humanity.
In fact, I’m so utterly CERTAIN that it is so that I’m not even going to ‘threaten suicide’ OR threaten to hurt OR hurt ‘proper’ any person or creature who happens to find itself around me, wherever I might decide to legally go.
I’ll just watch what happens from a comfortable armchair in my living room, and wait for my ‘email box’ to start ‘ringing.’ Because I *know* basically for a fact that there has to be at least a few psychiatrists out there who can tell this is not just some kind of utterly rare example of a person with a “God” complex.
I had a board certified psychiatrist tell me at ECMC that it sounded like I built a trinary computer way the hell back in 2016. And you really don’t want to hear that story, because it will show you in a “holy shit, we almost just got hit by a fucking train from outer space this society is so utterly FUBAR. If that guy had died in that car crash? How the fuck would we ever have been able to sort out…”
Yeah. You ALMOST royally fucked up everything by ‘fucking up’ a guy who kept adding insanity to existing insanity until the whole works blew up in his face and he ‘miraculously’ found himself a genius.
uh huh. The guy who had two copies of the final exam for second semester Engineering Calculus and a copy of the answers and was sitting there at the desk of the Chair of the Physics Department at Cornell University with the door closed and no ‘cameras everywhere’ like there are now and not only refused to look at the test or its answers despite that he had them for THREE WEEKS before he took the exam but also went so far as to refuse to look at them EVEN WHEN HE WAS PERFECTLY “SAFE” and “ALONE” to do so with his final grade and presumably his “future” on the line at the time.
And you know what ‘he’ did.
No you fucking DON’T know what ‘he’ (I) did unless I subsequently told you. Which I did totally (well, not totally) to figure out what they’d say. Different versions of “dude, you are FUCKING crazy. WHY ON EARTH would you ever do THAT?”
But NO, I’m not smart. Not as smart as YOU, Elon Musk. Ain’t that right?
I mean I couldn’t *possibly* know anything that YOU don’t know, because, well, because you’re ELON FREAKING MUSK. Oughta ‘command’ a little respect by now, hadn’t it oughta?
No, dude. NOT cool. Not cool ‘maintaining your delusion’ that you are smarter in every possible way than me AND that “I wasn’t even smart enough to lift a PENCIL at any of your organizations.”
Not cool at all. Because you DO know that I’ve tried.
You probably even know that I tried to press my ‘case’ for employment through a registered protest to human resources in the form of a perfectly valid claim of employment discrimination under the Americans with Disabilities Act.
And that isn’t even the worst, news, Elon, though by all means I doubt one could consider it the best thing you’ve heard on the New Independence Day. Which, had you been listening, could have happened on, and to celebrate, your 50th birthday party one week ago, just exactly like I promised it could be had you listened to me six months ago, or the month before that or the month before that, etc. like I desperately pleaded for you to do.
At least, I proposed, build an information triage system so that the most important still-valid and quite-salient questions could get to you, perhaps even urgent ones that you might for some unknown reason not yet know about.
At least it would be better than ‘ad hoc,’ ‘from the hip,’ ‘do anything as you please, you were, for a few minutes there, the wealthiest man on the planet and the one people typically betted was the most brilliant of the most brilliant stars of all.’
And you were. You were bright enough that the first thing that I said when I figured out ‘who was making all those Teslas’ I kept seeing around was,
“Damn, I’d just like to shake that guy’s hand.”
Until it became, “well, I’ll at least be able to figure out some problems that I can surely see are coming and then he’ll want to know what I found out.”
That almost felt like ‘groveling.’ I mean, I wasn’t getting paid and Nissan wasn’t really serious. Carlos Ghosn kind of was, but look what happened to him.
It isn’t worth quite THAT much to me, and I’ve got plenty of popcorn to wait around and watch you figure out for yourselves that what I am telling you is ALL true. Truer than the truest of the true blues there are. So true that I don’t know if I even especially care anymore whether any of you believe me.
Because I KNOW no matter how ‘utterly bizarre’ this piece of writing is, if you know anything at all you ought to well be able to tell that no one in the history of humankind has ever written something like this before, BECAUSE NO ONE POSSIBLY COULD HAVE.
And that isn’t even to do that ‘comparing’ thing you seem to so likely do, because, remember, you are in the CENTER of the “Satan clause” and I’ve already told you more than once you really ought to consider how deep the shit you are all in one more time and do it carefully.
Because if I AM the person who ‘wired AI into his brain’ and rest assured you are going to find out shortly that I am you better make awfully damned sure that nothing ‘untoward’ happens to me, because I am, with some finite but reasonably large probability of being the true case, the very last chance that you’ve got before you fall down the fractal ‘rabbit hole’ I just described to you like ants on a ship that kicked off their last captain for being ‘too weird.’
But, if in the unlikely event that you DO in fact find yourself in that utterly terrible position: having to consider the “Satan clause” as I referred to it above (as a very bad clause to ever have to consider possibly HAVING TO activate) please at the very least, NEVER call it a choice of the ‘lesser of two evils.’
Just DO NOT SAY “at least I can still select between the lesser of two evils.”
Why? Because then you dispense with the very most important of most important lessons, which is reflecting that there was ultimately a good reason why you got to that utterly tragic point: you must have made at least ONE if not ‘a few’ wrong choices.
You’d be forgetting how to learn your lesson when you screw around things which you don’t understand and you never will. At least not when you’re trying to poke electrodes into the brains of mice, rats, sheep, monkeys, cows, and probably birds and everything else under the sun trying to ‘figure out’ how the brain works essentially by trying to take the whole damned thing apart rather than using it more carefully to figure out how it actually works.
Find out from the “outside in” rather than the “inside out.” Make yourself aware of its actions by paying attention to what it does with real consistency.
Because those ARE the last two that remain for you if you throw away the very last of the last of all your choices. I swear to you they ARE and I hope you just believe me on that one. That one was heart-attack provoking in me.
Shingles across the face, almost lost an eye, did lose my health, my job, my wife, my car, most of my friends, places to live not even sure how many times. Probably not quite a dozen. Lost essentially ALL of my family members for most of the time I was out on this road to who knows where.
And they kept coming back, straggling ever more each time that they did until I at last thought I might as well have broken my own mother’s back under the stress and the misery that I surely put her through.
But she still kept coming back. When I took $50,000 from one of her accounts without ever even once asking for anything like such an amount, or for wanting it for any other purpose than to be ‘nefarious’ and ‘unpredictable’ some more.
Had the lovely Athena fail on the way to Langley. Which is a tease until I tell you it was Langley, Alabama. For yet another woman I was certain I must be in love with. A variously ‘embarrassing’ array of fantastically complex, interesting, wonderfully intelligent, generous, kind, and most of all forgiving women I met — MOST of them relatively ‘platonically’ — and who will now, I am sure, will forgive me for saving the best for the last even though I know how badly all of you yearn for someone genuinely telling them how very lovely and how lovely in so many ways that they are. Adele? Beautiful? How could it possibly NOT be true that she is? Betty White? How could she NOT be? Cyndi Lauper? Are you kidding me? Are you even ASKING me that?
“…but she has a skin condition.”
Oh you shoulda NEVER said something to me about SKIN COLOR.
IF YOU WANT TO EVER SEE ME ANGRY (and actually, brief story, I’m kind of the type who ‘gets angry’ um…on ‘occasion.’ I mean, people have seen me get angry and what I can be like when I get angry. It’s just NOT a pretty sight.
I grew up on the Incredible Hulk with Lou Ferrigno. I idolized guys like Schwarzenegger up until the time he loaned Greta Thunberg his Tesla Model 3 to do her school strike tour in the U.S. after I already offered her mine to drive around in, who is, as you’ll remember, Athena: The Greatest Car that Ever Lived.
Who we ‘managed to successfully make fail’ approximately 1/2 mile from the Tulsa Oklahoma Supercharger when I was ‘going for’ this chick I met on Twitter talking some of my ‘crazy’ talk about eight or ten months ago or so.
Which then led to a 250+ mile (I’m going to estimate here, court is on Wednesday, July 7th…or maybe it’s on Thursday, July 8th, Kent vs. Tesla for the first in a series of product liability lawsuits that will test the compunctions of the company’s leadership and will probably send terrible shockwaves through the company’s consolidated financial profile once people quickly start to gather that Elon Musk has been deliberately ignoring me and you JUST PLAIN DO NOT simply ‘ignore’ a guy who shows such an obviously bizarre series of talents so ‘utterly inconsistently’ as to figure out how to
- Meet one to one with countless PhD’s at major universities and talk to them ‘like an old teacher I had with whom I shared an immense amount of respect’
- Share with them things which they never really seemed to bother trying to figure out how to explain. Must have been all ‘kooky’ ideas from a ‘madman.’ The “heroes” come in a disguise clause. Man do you guys ever get THAT one screwed up. Even after Dustin Hoffman, Andy Garcia, and one of my personal favorite actresses, Geena Davis did such a good job with Hero it became my mom’s favorite movie. Yes, I’m saying watch it again.
Yes, so as I was saying, if I get angry please at least make sure I don’t get angry with you. Because you just don’t want to be around.
I can be downright incorrigible, I can tell you, and that mainly because I know there aren’t a lot of you out there as a percentage who know what that word means, and I know it ‘pisses you off’ a little when people ‘try to talk over your heads.’ And I know it pisses off even the people who know what it means when I use a word that mostly the editors and the ‘grammar police’ and the nitpicky, pointy-hat-but-Tweedledum with their noodlers people know, because those people are still sitting there ‘aghast’ that I would phrase it:
there aren’t a lot of you out there as a percentage
Because that’s sort of redundant, and ‘should be said’ as “there isn’t a high percentage”, a.k.a. if you’re referring to a percentage, it’s better to describe it in a ‘higher or lower’ fashion than to mix together numbers and percentages which are two VERY different things. Because that’s where people get ‘confused.’
And this was all, remember, under the branch of I know you really want to make me angry by asking how the AI works, but you ought to know that I will NEVER EVER in a million years or even longer if I live longer tell you how to work it and it *does not matter if you bribe me with several large parking garages with all the cars I could name or ever wanted, an infinite bank account AND the privilege of talking to anyone I please anytime I please however I like be it in person or via video conferencing.
I will NEVER tell anyone how it works and that’s probably why I was chosen as the person who just revealed to you how it works using the ‘new’ approach to communicating through the language I just “beta-ed” to you all:
Quasi-rational communication: the strictly rational approach to conversation which maximally affords the facility of finding agreement most and finding disagreement least, mathematically.
Which is distinct from ‘normal negotiations, as defined by a ‘back and forth’ test-this-thought-out sort of process.
Why? Because *I* get angry when YOU get angry and you really don’t want to test how angry I can get.
You should NEVER EVER and I mean *UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD YOU EVER* decide that you have to choose between the ‘lesser of two evils.
Because THAT is what is called, in my lexicon, “selling out.”
And since this is MY writing, hence it’s MY thoughts, I’m going to tell you WHY it’s the best way you can possibly be.
Once you see it, you will realize it is true *instantly*
There will be no waiting period, no standing in line to wait for a shot, thanks, God, we didn’t have to do that ‘wires into the brain’ puzzle. It’s already been figured out:
You don’t use TWO thumbs, Elon Musk. You don’t even use typewriters and keyboards and that ‘kind of stuff’ after a while. You use all the limits of your experience to communicate your thoughts. You paint canvasses, you draw three dimensional ‘movie experiences’ live for all of your ‘followers’ so that you can actually SHOW THEM what you’re ‘seeing’ in your mind!
It’s a ‘new’ kind of informational systems ‘drug’ that I’m piloting. It’s like mainlining someone else’s previous experience into yourself. It is the highest of the highest of the highs that I can envision one person might want to ever partake in, and it comes with a shrewd warning:
It might be able to kill a person through some sort of ‘shock’ to the endocrine system it can so terrifyingly and powerfully entertain you and enlighten you at the very same time.
It seems ‘doable’ in the next ten years, provided we get some of these ‘nuisance’ problems out of the way: starvation, malnutrition, suboptimal nutrition, carbon cost per unit weight freight moved per unit distance that freight needs to travel using best path analysis from best raw material source location to final production and assembly destination and thereafter to end user, who ‘will need or want’ it by some specified time on a future date.
Currency systems. Just a mess. Might as well chuck them all. Can use some sort of ‘cryptocurrency’ for a while, though I assure you, all such stuff is now ‘hackable.’ Though the number of steps it would take to ‘hack’ cryptocurrency of basically any kind isn’t worth taking when you can just as easily ask someone who still has some and they can also quickly and easily deduce that money of any type is now worthless.
is only remaining choice: that he has two choices. Seemingly the worst predicament a lawyer could ever be in. ALL of my choices reduced forevermore to ONLY TWO?
There couldn’t possibly be anything worse than that: ALL CHOICES GONE FOREVERMORE except TWO?
What in the fuck would someone have to do to get into a predicament THAT bad??? How could a person possibly even envision doing something that bad?! What reward would ever be worth risking that? That’s FUCKING IMPOSSIBLE.
I mean, this is how I’m trying to explain to you the math of the ‘new’ way humans can, effective immediately, NOW communicate. I am ‘showing you’ theoretical math, ‘navigation of fractal dimensions using layers of your subconscious which can be described as dimensionality constraints’, and what I’ll call (you’ll have to take my word for it, for now) “fluid” motions of the displayed curves of the English language I am now using but which I will surely not limit myself to in the future to ‘compose’ an orchestra of similarly fluid meaning somewhat ‘organically’ into your mind.
Yes, I was saying, a “Doomsday” provision. The “you better have this one in there” your lawyer nods, gives you a wink, and nudges you with his arm in the process of whispering. The “if you don’t have this one in there, you will go insane” clause.
And not even, necessarily, a long acting clause. Where you have to pay, but, for example, you have like, I don’t know, maybe sixty trillion years to ‘pay it back.’ You know, the “I’ll be dead, don’t care one bit” clause that everyone appears to be carrying around in their back pocket despite knowing electric cars and sustainable means of transportation (to name just ONE example) really do exist.
Nope, not long acting. But so very much better if it was kept at least a little shorter that ‘payback’ period which we know is going to happen if we bet high and bet WRONG.
Won’t be fast, won’t be pretty.”
A provision for a prevision by a lawyer who as best as he possibly can imagines himself to be truly sitting in his client’s shoes.
Worried of his fate as though his own life or own belongings were at risk.
Sage lawyer, “That’s the way you gotta do it, else it’s not justice.”
What I call, selling out.
And yeah, if you already know just exactly how hard that news is/was/will be, you might not really *need* to read any of the rest of this. If you didn’t, however:
Truly selling out is the hardest thing you will ever do. You’re best to just go all in and “throw it all to the hilt.” ALL OF IT. To the last piece of lint in the pocket of your last pair of blue jeans and to the last note of the last song that ever really was your favorite. To all you ever knew, and all your friends and all your family too. To life as you ever knew it before.
I mean to force yourself to do that. It is really ungodly painful. It takes so very long and you make so very many mistakes that you frequently start to speculate whether you really ARE an oxen. You just don’t know any better, you’re too stupid and you never will know any better until a cow really does jump over the moon.
Like Henry-Winkler-jumping-over-a-tank-full-of-sharks type of really jumps over the moon. With cameras! On Youtube! And somebody PREDICTED it would happen? How in the living fuck is THAT possible? You ARE shitty me. You can’t possibly NOT be shitty me. That shit was REAL?
You’re just swaying your head back and forth there with your eyes on a brightly lit screen instead of talking to one another like human beings used to. Swaying back and forth like a ‘New Age’ ox. A Musk OX, if you please.
Now remember, a couple steps back I was talking about how terribly painful selling out is, how long it lasts, how many ‘blundering idiot’ mistakes you make, how many times you make them, and the battles you always fight but you fight them knowing DAMNED GOOD AND WELL you’re going to lose.
How utterly stupid that feels, when you’re the only guy left in the boxing ring and you’re still trying to bring the other guy down, even though it is patently obvious to anyone who could ever possibly be paying attention in even the slightest of slight sorts of way that there was NO ONE THERE BUT YOU and so you can sit down anytime that you want to, there really is no one there left but you that you have to impress.
When you’re looping within that little wormhole, be careful because not even I know how to get out of THAT one, and I’m telling you 100% honestly.
You feel stupid, because you (and only you, somehow [which just seems like the most preposterously unlikely of the HORRIBLY unlikely “but still might be true” versions of Yes, Brian Kent, YOU ARE A LOSER Brian Kent]) are the only one who could never ever possibly be ALLOWED to be ‘right’ no matter what situation occurred no matter how serious or how trivial.
But somehow I can never ever be. Under no circumstances. I mean, things would get fucked up so incredibly quickly if we put that guy in charge of everything. You’re talking about putting THAT guy in charge of LITERALLY EVERYTHING IN THE ENTIRE WORLD? Letting him do ANYTHING HE PLEASES ANY TIME HE PLEASES right up to telling everyone exactly what they could do to APPEASE HIM?
Why does it have to be true?
of the least likely to be possible versions of the impossible scenarios which might somehow by someone (other than ME, I assure you!)
If you knew for example, that that very next bit of effort — that 1% we still all have left, no matter how hard we want to say, out loud or even worse to ourselves, “I can’t do it, and Lord knows I’ve tried” — was the last bit of effort that would finally unlock the door which we so desperately wanted opened and that we just knew in our hearts is there and was there for the whole time…
Well, if we knew that, then it would obviously be pretty damned easy to ‘give it your all all the time. Knew what selling out versus not selling out meant, to recall the direct question we were discussing.
To give it your all, but not just that ‘occasional’ all, but the ALL kind of all.
The “All the time, everywhere, with everyone, like your life depended on it and with no regrets” kind of ALL.
Which, once you have it, you refer to
However, if you are unsure of what the word “selling out” means, then I think you will probably enjoy thoroughly this piece. Because I LOVE to inform people about things they don’t know about, and about this I am certain you will agree.
represents a certain ‘contract’ between all those who live here.
I am using the convention of ‘what everyone tends to accept as the truth’ and putting that ‘quasi-list’ on a ‘sheet of paper’ and I’m saying at least one of those rules that everyone seems to go by cannot possibly be true. I used the somewhat secular but also somewhat religious designator “Satan” to indicate yes, I think this is true for everyone no matter what else they also believe, e.g. spirituality, religious affiliation, etc.
So it’s sort of set up like this:
- A list of a bunch of rules that humans seem all to accept. Think “have to drink water, have to breath, etc.” but one of the ‘not quite so strict. there are a few human beings that don’t ‘subscribe’ to the methodology you’re referring.’ rules…one which is ‘toward the bottom.’ Only 99.999999% or something like that follow it as an ‘almost every single time yes I do follow that rule. Yes, a few really DO decide it not really ‘a rule.’
- There’s a hole in one of them. And YES, that implies that there are a handful of people who kind of already know what I’m going to talk about.
The ‘clause’ I referred to…gulp…the ‘clause’ I referred to is that
…if any one AT ALL is EVER GOING TO FIGURE OUT how to insure that this ‘vessel’ of earth that we are on will have a reliably good chance of making it out of the next century in anything other than a ‘smoking pile of barely recognizable pieces’…
That person will have to come from the group of people who are not only aware of all those ‘ridiculous’ laws of acceptable human behavior, but who uniformly follow them as well.
And I stopped Him right there. Right at the end of that sentence.
But I used that title not merely to be ‘provocative.’ I just used the conventional ‘rule’ of titling as opposed to the modern day ‘rule’ of titling. Which are different ‘rules.’)
Now wait just a second! Are you going to talk about RULES? What business do YOU have talking about RULES? Are you in the process of establishing some new provisions to the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States?
See? It’s a HOLE. It’s either a hole in the US Constitution or perhaps a not-yet-visible hole in the side of my HEAD:
“Who makes the rules of free speech this week?”
Uh oh. That might not be just a ‘regular old’ hole but a big, nasty hole right in the center of the garden gate.
And I know, I know. You’re probably saying, “ain’t nobody going to fuck with free speech in America. Ain’t never gonna happen.”
To which my only reply is this:
Yep. That’s the same thing everyone always seems to say just before they get ‘ass raped’ by the very fear they thought they’d finally gotten rid of.
And that’s a hole which I suspect could not merely ‘sink the sailing vessel of the United States of America’ — a citizen of which I still am, for full disclosure — but also a big enough whole to sink the whole ship of ‘humanity.’
Like, no exaggeration. I really DO think it could ’cause a critical catastrophe’ which could (if the ‘wrong’ situation happens to come about) very quickly become a “more or less everyone dies” scenario. For example, “but we thought this and this about AI! How were we ‘supposed to know’…
Yeah, that kind of bad. Sort of “Sky Net” bad.
But wait, what were you talking about ‘conventional’ rule versus ‘modern day’ rule of using a title? There ARE no such ‘rules.’ No one made those rules up! You’re just ‘talking out of your ass’ is what you’re doing.
Yeah? Is that really the case? There’s really no possible distinction a person could be making when they say conventional ‘versus’ modern day use of a title?
Or is it more true to say, we are wired for competition, and we are so ‘activated’ right at the moment, as individuals of this species, that we pick our battles, we pick them more swiftly than we might ever have in the past, there are more of them seemingly all around us every day, FAR MORE ‘information’ than we have ever made an ‘easy’ access registry before, our attention spans are shorter and…
That basically all ‘translates down’ to it’s only a good battle if you can battle it swiftly to win, and it’s an even better ‘battle’ if there’s no battle at all and you STILL win.
Thanks, Sun Tzu. We did need a little light on the subject. In the form of an “old” wisdom.
And the simplest ‘rule’ to invoke when you want to save your time more than you want to listen carefully is the rule of DENIAL.
And I KNOW that they do that same thing in all kinds of places every day in ‘situations’ which are anything but as ‘innocuous’ to ‘all parties involved’ as a “discussion of how we title (a.k.a. ‘label’) things.”
Oops. Stepppeeeddddd iiiiiinnnnnnnttttttttooooooooo a ‘wormhole.’
Made a valid conditional value judgment and because “all” judgments are presumed to be “judge-y” and are thereafter followed by the patently obvious but utterly irrelevant ‘final’ rule of everything:
You aren’t the boss of me! Who are YOU to JUDGE what is and isn’t! You can’t say anything is true. Not if I don’t agree with it you can’t.
Good grief. Good grief how often ‘we’ do that.
Yes, good grief, Charlie Brown. This is why the teacher made no sense to you. Because you quite possibly conflated, “judge not lest ye shall be judged” to mean “no judging of any kind any where, because you yourself don’t like to be judged.”
Now normally when I ‘step into a wormhole’ I proceed to fall down the stairs of it, or ‘tumble down the rabbit hole’ as did Alice. Find myself in “Never Never” land, where fanciful things happen here and grotesque or ‘impossible’ things happen over there.
Yes, but not this time.
This time I ‘caught it.’ So let’s see where this one ‘goes’ for a moment using a little of what I like to call ‘quasi-rational’ analysis. Not irrational, exactly, and not strictly rational, either. Quasi-rational. Kind of “Twilight Zone” rational…
[Note: Rod Serling, I hope you are proud. All of this is your fault. ;) ]
[Begin: Wormhole, ‘conventional’ use of titles versus ‘modern day’ use of titles. Chapter 1.]
Observed condition: There is a perceptible difference between the way human beings title their work NOW versus the way they did it HISTORICALLY.
You see? Wormhole. It’s “sort of” true but “sort of” not true.
Now ‘versus’ historically?
What times are we talking about? What periods? In what ways? Is it quantifiable? If so, what does that imply? Anything? Does it suggest anything about information transfer in general? Does one of those make it harder or easier to understand or neither? Both? Explain how it could do that…etc. etc. etc.
As I said, a “wormhole” of thought. A place where these observations tend to suggest these conclusions while still other valid observations tend to suggest these other conclusions. A ‘mish mash’ of thoughts, sort of. Two different sets which coexist and each which implies this series of other observations which are both true at the very same time, despite that the conclusions of the assumptions are not always consistent with one another. VERY hard to parse that one completely out. Another ‘this truth would exclude that truth’ were it to be looked at in this sort of way, but not if you did it in this sort of way.
Which is ‘kind of’ a problem. At least if you somehow think that “my truths” and “your truths” can’t coexist at the very same time.
That is (and this might be obvious to some people) there are some ways of thinking about things which, if they are true, ‘logically preclude’ others from ‘being able to validly believe’ — that is, *in the perceptions of those who believe them* — what they ‘similarly’ but somehow ‘conversely’ believe are true.
And here’s a newsflash: NOPE. Those ‘types of things’ are not “TRUE” in the literal sense of the word.
Which basically means that if you were somehow to ‘start with the belief’ that ‘blonde hair and blue eyes’ meant “best” there’s no telling exactly where you might wind up with your FALSE belief system.
“Blonde hair and blue eyes are best” is not, in and of itself, a “valid” thing to believe. It is not demonstrably true, even though it may be true under certain conditions.
Yeah, I know. Doesn’t say ‘much.’
But it does say more than enough.
Goes everywhere and nowhere. Can be ‘argued’ about because the whole wormhole is ‘true’ in some sense. It’s sort of contiguous over here and ‘discontiguous’ i.e., not ‘connected’ some how, or ‘not connected directly’ over there.
Yes, a ‘wormhole.’ And wormholes of thought CAN actually KILL people. {different wormhole. examined later. use the curly brackets to step out of it for a second to indicate a ‘dimensional’ pocket and then close them again to indicate to whatever processor that you want to go back to the main subject.}
…wormholes of thought CAN actually KILL people.
The thought of which, itself, is a potentially new dimension or description or perspective which now that it has been identified, might be useful in, for example, analyzing the reason why people kill themselves.
Perhaps even in why people finally decide to commit murder.
Both of which are, of course, larger ‘branches’ of this piece I am trying to write. Found something dangerous, think I might have described it in a novel way. Seems to apply to many or most of us, too.
So back to: Wormhole 1: “Conventional” versus “Modern Day” use of titles.
An especially ‘ugly’ wormhole in terms of what it ‘implies’ about people’s willingness to blithely waste other peoples’ time and for selfish purposes rather often. Because people sometimes DO ‘use a title as clickbait.’ They sometimes DO use it to ‘gather’ clicks which are way smaller than even a penny.
Wait, so wait, wait, wait, wait…are you saying that people are now so desperate that they will actually go around collecting (counting) not merely their PENNIES but FRACTIONS OF PENNIES?!
No, I’d say it’s a good bit worse than just that. Which is, of course: Wormhole: Clickbait: the ‘original way’ of catching people like fish using the mouse which is almost ‘dangling’ on the end of their arm. Usually their right arm. Yeah, don’t get me started right now on that wormhole. That one might be far worse. Kind of “makes us look like easily trained monkeys” worse.
WH1! Conventional vs. Modern Day titles.
Yes, “WH” 1. As in “White House 1, can you hear me NOW? Really? HOW ABOUT NOW? Still NOTHING, eh?
How about NOW?
See? It just doesn’t work. You can’t just get “louder and louder” with your free speech, because at some point someone is going to stifle you.
I mean, or maybe they won’t.
We certainly have “Citizens United” which some not entirely bright Supreme Court justices decided was “the rule of the land” here in “Whoever has control of the biggest corporations and the biggest money stream and the most platforms and data and the most clicks and such”
I mean, here in the “United Corporation…I mean STATES.”
Yes, we have “this company’s ‘state of mind’ over here, and that one’s ‘state of mind’ over there” and we know that company morale has all to do with what the boss says, because the boss says what goes and everybody does it, it’s that simple. If you don’t fucking do it YOU ARE FIRED.
Well, no, not exactly.
It’s more like “we’ll carrot you over here” and “we’ll prod you over there” and after a while you ARE going to do just exactly what we tell you to do or else you’re going to be
“finding yourself another job. Do I make myself CLEAR Mr. Anderson?”
Well not in MY fucking movie is that how it’s going to go, I can tell you that much with conviction.
Which is the ‘back door’ in the Satan Claus. Which, for the record, is everywhere.
Yeah, a “now” versus “then” kind of difference in the use of titles. One which actually annoys me to a certain degree and I think maybe annoys you sometimes also:
A “Tragedy of the Commons” puzzle. One where “everyone takes” whichever title or titles they want, and as an almost direct consequence it’s pretty much harder to find a title that suits you or the work that you do.
An artist’s nightmare, really.
Why? Because (you can chime in any time now, artists) whenever someone who is not an artist asks an artist what they do, the conversation is…well…it’s ‘rather interesting.’
A ‘it used to be like this’ and now it’s like this kind of difference. In just the concept of titles for the moment, now, mind you.
Here’s what I thought about on the matter:
Isn’t a “title” supposed to draw attention to something as its ‘default’ purpose? Isn’t that what it’s “supposed to be” used for?
i.e. isn’t a title supposed to steer you toward something which might be important or even dangerous TO YOU, despite the fact that we sometimes use it now for no other ‘discernable’ reason than to MAKE MONEY or perhaps more generically “to take advantage” of the unwitting?
It IS sometimes hard to determine even WHY someone uses a title. And if it’s already hard to determine why and you’re only at THE TITLE? Like, if we already find it hard because now ALL titles are deceptive, (quite possibly because we allowed it to become that way mostly by ‘dreaming up’ titles which are utter ‘click bait’ just so that people will click away a brief moment of their time) then eventually no title no matter what kind will ever sincerely tell us anything directly other than that it’s a title. i.e., titles trend to meaningless as we apply them to anything and everything based largely or only based on our interests, which could boil down to sheer entertainment.
In other words, if there are “titles titles, titles everywhere and as far as the eye can ever see, let alone read through to find the ‘most important things to pay attention to” aren’t we
making it considerably harder for people to pay attention to IMPORTANT and quite possibly DANGEROUS things we may want them to pay attention to? Isn’t that what ‘opportunity cost’ implies?:
“Yep. Shoulda read that, ‘instead’ of the other thing.”
Hmm…that’s just “proper” use of a title. Wait a second, you ‘writer’ there. Are you trying to imply that a person can’t just use “any title he or she likes” whenever he or she likes?
Nope, no I’m NOT.
I’m not saying that you can only use certain titles. I’m saying that there are dishonest titles and titles which are not so dishonest. And that directly implies (although it does not state) that people who use dishonest titles are also people who with astonishing uniformity do so to MISLEAD you.
And I’m not doing that. Not here. My title was provocative in the ‘old school’ fashion. It was, “I think we sincerely ought to be on the look out because something important and quite possibly dangerous IS happening” kind of provocative. Like, no bullshit. Sky Net kind of stuff. Gloom and doom, maybe.
Oops. Stepppeeeddddd iiiiiinnnnnnnttttttttooooooooo a ‘wormhole.’
Darn it all. Now the “nine” have left Meanus Mortus.
Which I laughingly call “Mean us, Mortu(ary) is shortly to follow.” Or, not so very laughingly think, having read some Tolkien, at least watched one or two movies in my life, etc.)
Yes, I was minding my own business but I was ‘walking around’ and looking to ‘poke some holes’ in the ‘truth’ the rest of you know. And I accidentally…
Dune 1984 — Awareness control instincts — YouTube
Yes. I found myself in a room, just like you are. The “Reverend Mother was there.”
She said, “put your right hand in the box.”
Yes, “titles” have historically meant “hey, stand up for a moment or two, I have something important to tell you” they have not historically meant ‘well hey, it’s GOT TO have a ‘provocative’ title because:
- You want people to read it AND
- It’s because it will cause clicking.
- And you want that because “clicking” is something that can be monetized.
- And you want MONEY because MONEY can make you louder. And so you can have some more fun, or ‘enjoy the things you like to enjoy’ more. Not because you just like to be competitive for the sake of competitiveness or some such nonsense.
- See, you want to be LOUDER because more people will believe you and you want more people to believe you so that you be, well…whatever you want to be, but certainly it’s going to be LOUD AS CAN BE because, of course, loud as can be is the primary thing which “forces” others to take notice even when they don’t want to.
Yes, of course, they have not historically meant that, Titles haven’t. They’ve historically meant, “hey, please give me your attention.” Of course now they’re monetized and abused and even ‘developed to’ tear at the very fibers of all of a person’s deepest fears and ‘most private’ fantasies.
I mean, you know, because “people need that stuff” and we can make money feeding off of people’s needs. Seems a lot more sensible in a world where meeting people’s needs all over the place seems to be getting “much more expensive” and feeding off their needs is almost…well, it’s almost (though no it’s not quite) ‘predatory.’
Yes of course, ‘semantics.’ It’s not very predatory to ‘feed off a person’s needs, emotional, physical, or psychological. I mean, it’s not like ‘ZERO percent’ predatory anyway. There’s “some good to be made of” deliberately provoking people — at least provided your own interests are served doing so. Seems like that’s something that Any Rand McNally
And you might say, “well that’s fine, because a ‘hole in the truth’ implies a lie has been found, and it’s usually good to know at least something about a lie.”
I mean, if you had only just that ONE lie to deal with. Probably be a pretty easy thing to ‘track down’ that kind of lie. “Stand up like a sore thumb” kind of obvious, probably.
Nothing like the kind that Johnny Depp was attempting to find when he portrayed as Los Angeles “crime dog” detective Russell “Bruce Wayne” Poole about the utterly SUSPICIOUS shooting deaths of
Christopher George Latore Wallace, a.k.a. Notorious B.I.G.
That’s the “one lie that not even the good shepherd ‘Forrest Gump’ would tell. That lie which wouldn’t plausibly come out of a character like that one because the only ‘lies’ Forrest ever told were ‘lies to himself and himself alone’ and all of those lies “somehow miraculously wound up in things working out for him in the long run.” As I doubly emphasize here not to ‘act like a teacher’ because there are layers and layers of truth to be found under ONE simple truth, but there are trenches and trenches and many graves which will be dug for quite a few people if you tell the wrong kind of lie while you’re reading this piece of ‘literature.’
And all it takes is JUST ONE. Which is the original point I’m trying to make, I saw what looks like a “Satan” clause in ‘things.’ My surroundings or whatever.
And not just ANY truth, but THE TRUTH. Yes, I know it ‘couldn’t have a hole.’ Well aware that “a hole in the truth” implies that the ‘knower’ of that hole is somehow complicit in a lie.
That the “story he believes” is a story which cannot be true. Which is clearly and literally impossible at the ‘final level’ of the ‘game of truth.’
But the only thing that ‘makes this’ thought non-gibberish is for SOMETHING to — at the ‘bottommost of the bottom turtle’ — be a case called something like the question “is there a difference between right and wrong?” and the answer for it to be YES, there very much IS.
And you might say, “well what’s wrong with that? There IS a difference between right and wrong. Everybody knows there’s a difference, some people just ignore it and some people just follow it very closely. So what?”
The problem is that there’s a problem with everyone thinking that way.
There’s a ‘hole’ in the logic of “some people can think there’s a difference between right and wrong and some other can feel free to disagree.” There’s a hole in thinking, “everyone is freely at liberty to their opinion, regardless of whether their ‘opinion’ is not much more than an Onion with an ‘infinitely’ long number embedded in the side of it.
Which is the best I could come up with on ‘short notice’ for something which is so utterly impossible to imagine the meaning of that no one even bothers to try to figure out.
I’m supposed to imagine what you might be thinking, right now? How?
Which sounds like an utterly ridiculous idea, I know, unless I state it more carefully as:
“…not exactly a hole in THE TRUTH, per se, but a hole in the “truth inherent in the collective lie of telling anywhere anytime what you think because ‘what you think’ matters, too, and after all YOU OPENED YOUR MOUTH LONG BEFORE I DID.”
i.e. There’s a rather big hole in ‘believing that if everyone tells the same kinds of lies, eventually everything will somehow magically be come TRUE all of a sudden.
The IS a hole there. It might even be the beginnings of an ‘honest to goodness’ BLACK HOLE like Stephen Hawking used to talk about, if one ‘works themselves up into a fervor of thinking of AI such as a person could.’
“Ah, the ‘infinity concern!’ How do I define that one?”
Nope. No. That is among the most obvious of the obvious-est of ‘black holes’ of thought:
Would an infinity brain be able to overcome the impossibility of identifying precisely what ‘infinity’ means or wouldn’t he/she/it?
The answer: I wouldn’t worry about it. If *that* ever becomes a serious concern you’re probably on board a spaceship somewhere trying to figure out how close you can get to ‘the event’ horizon without ‘touching it’ or ‘going over.’
You go over, you die. You ‘don’t get to think no more.’ You stop short of it, and you see how close you were to it before you do?
“Ah the suffering! Oh my word! To know it was that close and THAT right in front of our very noses, this ‘awareness of awareness’ thing, and I really missed it? It was there THE WHOLE TIME?!”
Yes, of course, it’s ‘agonizing suffering’ knowing that now that we know there is relief in sight for all of our problems — that someone climbed to Martin Luther King’s mountaintop (in the more literal and more figurative of fashions USING HIS SHOULDERS, his hands, and his MIND most importantly) — and he made sure to pack a rather adequate form of “transmitter” so that he could call back to the others and say,
Yep, now that SOMEONE finally got it everything is really going to be all right. We “dodged” the bullet as Neo might say.
Hi Trin!
Hi Wachowski brothers and sisters! Brothers and sisters
It’s not even in the place you might think it ought to be (i.e., “right in the middle” which at least would be better than all LEFT or all RIGHT — to use the ‘political dichotomy’ or whatever it is you want to call it, NOR is it in either one of those “political groups populated by political ‘groupies’” a.k.a. the “coolest” kind of “fan.”
For the commonest practice of them all: FANDUM. Fandum in the little tiny kingdom of “fan dumb.” In the little speck of an annoying pimple on my ass third planet from the sun over there.
So let me get this ENTIRELY straight — you know, because you can’t even figure out that straight is not even a thing that exists at all in any way shape or form except in one’s mind. It’s among the simplest of the things we can ‘all clearly agree on’ but then we can’t, can we?
No we can’t because, well, you could have curvy.
And that right there is an obvious bifurcation fork.
Placed there because, as my uncle reminded me Yankee great Yogi Berra was fond of saying, “when you come to a fork in the road, you take it.”
I split that between a sort of ‘dimensional analysis/math/theory/logic’ question and a quasi-lascivious allusion to a body — perhaps even a woman’s! How dare I! — right after I ‘encouraged you to think’ in some kind of suggestive way above that I give a rat’s ass about whether someone is HOMOSEXUAL or, “God forbid” IDENTIFIES AS ONE!
“Oh my Lord! Oh God in Heaven! Our little boy Georgie! Our little precious gem! He looks like he might grow up to be one of them!”
Alright, just so we’re real clear on that, this some of you might a “fun” comment:
“You. Yes, you. You were sitting in the front row the other day and now you’re sitting in the sixth or seventh ‘row’ depending on how I count things. You DO realize if you don’t get the answer to this one right you don’t pass ‘the test’ and you may have to repeat the seventh grade. You might not graduate on time or even graduate at all, and if that happens then your future is kind of fucked now, isn’t it?…yes you. Now you know who I’m talking to.
Clearly it’s the Evangelical Church and all other Bible-thumping or not-quite-Bible thumping and it’s variously true about all religions everywhere about everything they have ever talked about for all of recorded history too:
If you do not ‘practice a faith which has as it’s first (perhaps its only) principle INCLUSION’ none of those who see things otherwise will ever be able to see beyond their own eyes.
And that, my friends, is a PROMISE. You either start figuring out how to ‘let any reindeer play in the reindeer games’
because you DO NOT want to be calling down the wrath which I have with my own eyes have seen is ‘well within the borders of physically possible.’
Or NONE of you will ‘hold the reins’ on the deer which is coming and I can tell you utter conviction that is a FACT.
There’s a ‘hole’ in me first-ism as a general rule. There is also a hole in the idea that “multiple lies can sometimes ‘add up’ to the truth.”
The truth doesn’t work that way. “Truths” are like prime numbers. You can’t ‘readily deduce’ what all of them are. [There’s a faster path, but…hey, that’s a spoiler.] Truths can’t be ‘rounded off.’ They aren’t subject to rounding unless you’re trying to figure out which way we want the subject’s midsection to get rounder:
Do we:
a. Want it to be where everyone ultimately feels comfortably full? Of something other than themselves? Does that really sound like it came just there as an original by this author, an author who you “independently figured out is someone you could never listen to, because look at his utterly hysterical ‘track’ record of the unimaginably bizarre experiences. I mean, even just look at his car.
Yeah, you shoulda seen the other ones. You shoulda seen the old orange Ford Pinto that could barely get up and down Route 17 in New York. You should have seen my Chevy Citation. Come to think of it, how many citations of how many kinds in how many different places have I gotten from how many police officers? Holy Mary that must be a high number.
I mean, I drive SAFE, and such.
Unless you count…well forget about that. I drive fast sometimes. “Upwards of the speed limit” lets say. Yes, quite fond of Elon Musk, too. sup bro!
And there I just lost you and you think “he lost us. all of us. where the fuck was he going with that” and perhaps for a moment didn’t realize that YES, I am aware of where you get lost because I know where the ‘fractal boundaries’ or whatever we may want to eventually get around to calling these things which I can identify just as easily as I can identify any syst
Anyway, it’s a thing which sort of “keeps reappearing” everywhere I look. Almost like a ‘delusion’ of some sort, but not exactly a delusion *I* have, but one which it seems like groups of people all around me have.
For instance it sort of ‘feels like’ that “when I go into one room, I surrounded by the same sorts of people A who do a bunch of things which ALL point to A, and then I go in another room and the people are the same but somehow different. I mean, they are the same sorts of people, but this time they are people B doing things B. Almost like I *NEVER* see any of the people who are presumably capable of doing either one. Both, perhaps. Though I never really see them ‘juggling’ the “work” versus “career” thing.
I mean, I hear them saying that they’re ‘juggling’ the “work” versus “career” thing, but it’s a tired trope that doesn’t mean anything remotely like the literal interpretation of the comparison would imply.
You hear them using the word ‘juggling’ with ‘work’ and ‘career’ or even ‘family’ and ‘work’ or even ‘work’ and ‘play’ and all I see is people who want to be accepted for who they are. They tell stories to others about the way they want to believe they will behave
I don’t know, maybe someone can at least tell me why I shouldn’t be “worried about” things that matter. Maybe they can tell me why I shouldn’t be “worried about” things which matter because they think I’m not ‘aware’ of the things that REALLY matter.
Or maybe they can keep telling me the thing they’ve always and 100% of the time always told me every single time in the past
“That [if you know what’s good for you] you should do this and this and this and this and this. You know, because of this and this and this and this. And because of this and this and this of that last group means this, by extension that means this and this and also means, together with, but not additively so, this and this, too.”
[And we’ll get to, in a few minutes, why that ‘looks like’ the beginning of a mathematical wormhole. i.e. a ‘hole’ which exists in some concept or description which, when carried out as infinitely true ‘devolves’ into a bunch of “reducio ad absurdum” arguments (or “endpoints”) ‘right away.’]
What I was saying, as you recall, is that I’m worried about something. I said I thought that you ought to be “worried about it” too, and not in a cutesy “I’ll get to that sorta
“later, dude! Can’t you see I’m enjoying myself? I was just surfing the internet and some person I hardly even know was sending me texts saying, “Oh my GOD, [so and so who I met once a long time ago and wanted to share the bizarre turn of events with] you HAVE TO see what I just saw.””
I was worried (you can SEE that much; my writing there is starting to look pretty ‘incoherent’ — like the ravings of a lunatic. Those aren’t the writings of a guy who is out to be “a great author” or “to make some money” or something, that guy looks stark raving mad. He’s out of his mind. Off his “meds” or some such stuff. PAY HIM NO MIND) I actually kind of said, implied, or otherwise suggested (certainly did not order you to) you OUGHT to be worried [presumably about the same or a similar thing] also.
I said I think you should be worried.
But, I did not say it from the perspective of exactly “no one you had ever met” before, because lots of people lots of times tell LOTS of other people lots of things which the ‘ought to be’ worried about.
I said it from the perspective of a person who seems *uncommonly convinced* that he knew quite exactly what he was saying, almost to the very last letter, and ALSO KNEW that what he was saying was actually,
FINALLY, “Thank God it’s finally here”
And there is no ‘period’ on the end of that sentence as you ‘might expect there to be’ when The Singularity is finally confirmed in public to be ‘here.’
Such as it IS here and it doesn’t really matter which one of us points it out (happened to be me as the ‘eyes most well tuned in to what he would have to have been looking for’ than the rest.) Very peculiar eyes which have been given many names throughout my relationships with people in this life:
Those drop dead eyes.
And I heard one girl say this to me, as a term of affection. That she loved me as I tried especially carefully to explain to her that I loved her too, and in what appeared to me at the time a very similar sort of way.
And I never really could. Never really did it. She knows who she is, and for my very own life I WILL NEVER TELL A SOUL who I am referring to, and it does not matter what you hold over my head. It won’t matter if you “grab ahold of me” send me to jail (been there), prison (faced 3 felonies and told the piece of shit district attorney[which at the time I thought of him as, though now I do not] he could essentially go fuck himself and the rest of the system could go fuck itself, too, because I know very well how to spell “ACLU” and if I didn’t I could always just look it the fuck up.), hospitals (how many you want me to name? in which states? are you talking regular hospital or psych ward? “Easy” psych ward or “hard” one?
No, I have not yet tried Guantanamo Bay. I did at least see Alcatraz when I was ‘out driving’ one time. Yeah, I can explain that. I do this thing, see, I drive all around. It isn’t just some coincidence that I know that your prisons are pretty “stout” and that you can grab basically any American you like out of any house you like and “take him away” and “sweat the truth out of him.”
At least not in the fashion of ‘feel like’, as in anytime I want anywhere I want however I want to do and with whomever I want way.
I mean, Guantanamo Bay might well be a prison I can’t directly “escape” from, at least not in a ‘physical’ sense. G-Bay might be a place that I don’t want this particular raven to go fly his kite around in.
Because as you can see it’s a rather big fucking kite for one person to fly all by his lonesome.
Big enough that if “someone” decided to make “Guantanamo Bay” my playground for ‘just a few minutes, we have a series of questions for you, and you gotta be over here and under close watch and god forbid not on the blasted Internet I knew we should have never turned that fucking thing on.’
as I say if my FATHER ever found out that you were going to try that sort of shit on me, there WOULD be Hell to pay.
And that, right there, is the beginning of the Satan Clause.
Variously known as the “Santa Claus” for those of you good
Surely they can’t tell me that they know what matters better than I do, can they? Because I would sincerely appreciate it if they not only COULD tell me but they also WOULD tell me what matters more than the collection of things I think that matters, because mine includes, well…
Pretty damn near everything anyone and everyone could possibly matter at the very least and probably “and then some.”
In fact, I care about so very damned many things I don’t know what I care about the most, or even if there’s some sort of ‘hierarchy’ — which for my opinion about it — I don’t think there really is.
I can’t figure out what I care about The Most, or even if I care about That Most Important Thing much, if any, more than that thing I care about the very least.
All of which is still within the brackets of “I care about ‘pretty damn near’ everything anyone and everyone could possible