These kids are from Asia, but we do this at home, here, too. Rock bass. Perch. Small mouth.

As things happen in 14411

24 min readJan 15, 2024


We could all write our own stories if we had the courage to do so, I think.

Adele does.

She knows what’s true. That’s why she’s so adept at making people cry.

We could write a story about having a discussion with Martin Luther King Jr. or with Elon Musk or “even” [oh no! God forbids it!] having a lunch conversation with Donald Trump, or Vladimir Putin.

We could write the stories of it, at the very least.

That was my quizzical assertion:
Why do we tell nasty stories about people, or try to “catch them” in their worst of moments to make life on this planet look as ugly for us as possible rather than as something beautiful and to be treasured?

Well I saw Artoo and C3PO arguing like that, and I guess sometimes when we’re friends about most things we still have to part ways for a while to sort things out. I’ve had friends like that. Still have them.

C3PO never gave Artoo flowers. Sure looked happy in that Jawa transport, though. Said he was wrong, maybe. Six million forms of communication. Maybe someone else’s can be right on some rare occasion.

Anna is still my friend. Elisa too. Plenty of people are my friends even though we don’t talk anymore (which, at least I can say for myself, is sad for me.) I shouted even just this morning at my lovely friend Darci;

I shouted at Darci for a few moments as though she were the last person on the Earth I’d ever want to spend another moment with — and nothing could be further from the truth.

I have never felt a lie so blackly hit my heart; it took me fifteen minutes to be certain I didn’t need to go to the hospital. Had an Excedrin migraine — has a bit of aspirin in it.

Why would I do that? To hurt myself? To cause her tears? To ‘make’ her think twice about whether she ever wanted to have anything to do with me again? Because I was incapable of stopping myself?

And we do this regularly. We do it every day like we’re dozens of monkeys in a jungle which can’t fit all of us. We all HAVE TO? Is that a fact?

Had only a place to go. I’d have gone, I’m sure. There has to be different place for me.

It’s not a fact for me. I can say that much and I will. I can make my facts the way I want them to be and when I’m finally gone from here, I’d like nothing more than I’d like a black marble casket and a small black obelisk of the same stuff to say, at least for a while afterwards, “yep, he lived here.”

Blacker. More plain. Marble. Have Franz design it for me.

Shape it like a heart if you would, please. My sense of sarcasm will survive to the other side. Doug and I will find it funny while the lot of you run around 43 without having a guide because he showed up and you went nuclear on him with your icy cold stares. I can take them.

God will just throw a snowdrift on your heads just at the moment I need for you to chill and think things through carefully rather than flying around the streets like cold stares at speed are even better than long ones at the grocery store.

And your logicks work better than mine:
Nope. Not that one. That one can’t be God. We’re looking for more of a Dwayne Johnson/Troy Polamalu/Ray Lewis type.

Every mornin’ at the mine you could see him arrive
He stood six-foot-six and weighed two-forty-five
Kinda broad at the shoulder and narrow at the hip

Nobody seemed to know where John called home
He just drifted into town and stayed all alone
He didn’t say much, kinda quiet and shy

Nope. That one doesn’t look enough like Elton John. Doesn’t worship Cyndi Lauper enough. That one won’t be able to hold the entire human race together. By himself if he had to.

That one isn’t Elon Musk

I would have liked to have known you when you were a kid, man. Doubt you’d have been thrown down a set of stairs, though. I’ve seen my stars, too, man.

No one calls me. I talk to my family mostly rarely. My mother, though…she and I play Wordle nightly. I squeeze a full hour of my day to do that.

When she lets me. Don’t feel bad, mom. You’re the best of all of them. Or would be if I thought it were wise to make stupid lists.

Stupid lists that, look at that, Grace! You’ve managed to ‘accidentally’ convince the entire human race that when you’ve had a son like me and been a mom like you, you’ve done more than just a good job, little lady.

Yeah. And still I’m supposed to be, what? Flattering my mother to say such a thing?


What do I say? Nothing but a pleading kind of mom.

And all my life *I* have been the prideful one. I’m *hearing things* now?
Oh yes, you guessed it. You got me on a particularly honest day, Ms. Psychiatrist #14.

“Well no, actually. I don’t hear voices or see things I just…well, I just…there are just things that I feel as though I have to do them.”

It’s always the same. Every single time. No one helps me. How come know one helps me?

Now here God points out — polite as your first grade teacher — that guides them to their truth, Brian. That forces them to see what’s true about them, in the end anyway it does. <<<<and there I took the liberty of using my very own fingers and very own keyboard to say what *I* felt like saying because I figured god might darn near give me two mulligans in this paragraph — the first where God would never reveal such a wonderful secret as that to an eight-billion dunce-cap wearing group of wiseasses like you guys without leaving one rat in the back corner that would wait until all the kids fell out to recess to tell the teacher — like, the REAL one I mean — what all the meanies sounded like they were saying about me.

That it was all that one’s fault. That big bully for pointing out the gluten in the tomato soup, Sharon — you know, because that soup was (of 20,000+ in the database) one that might wind up on the trays of celiac patients.

I can THINK with my INK just as well as I can with my mouth and if you don’t wish to try me on what I’ll flat out tell you is MY LAST WARNING you will start telling the truth…

Well, I’ll even tell you that I will take my voice away from you just like Gandhi did by starving your asses into submission. Using the generic form of “We the People” because apparently I am the only student in this class of

19330.30694 which equals ONE to you.

Play it anyway you like. Play it Brian Kent versus the whole goshforsaken species if you think that’s going to help you WIN versus me. You CANNOT WIN VERSUS ME.

I don’t even need to yell it. You’ll do what you’re supposed to. Finally. Right now. Not, “next week, Brian. I swear I’ll trust you next week about the write down what you want, Darci. Please for the love of God you are the fastest of the fastest of the smartest of the women I’ve ever come across who I could also talk with like a human being.

I will go to my grave to protect you and your children and I will do it for every last stinking sniveled brat of a kid who looks like this:

or this:

or this:

or, you guessed it, even this:

and I might have spared you had you let up BEFORE midnight, kids. Had I sincerely believed that I could call you back, Tony Cheng, when you touched in during that luckiest of the luckiest moments of the day, the last Anna Bruno moment of the day. Call them AB moments, because, you know, she’ll blush and stuff.

Because she’s the best. Just like I *KEPT TELLING YOU WE WERE*!!!!!

“Class of ONE, Class of ONE, That’s our man!
If Homo sapiens quintessentialus can’t do it

We’ll have to build the next one who can!

(like, you can think of that as my “Alka Seltzer” moment. Every time some type of infantile rebellion comes up…like, Ukraine, you knew you kind of weren’t supposed to, were supposed to do that, right, Mr. Putin? I mean, since *I* for one am certain you’re capable of being reasoned with.

Now the tanks go home, the kids cheer, the soldiers are like, “Whew! Just in time. Brother’s sister’s girlfriend’s mother-in-law is going to have a baby soon and you need to watch her six year olds while she goes in for an OB appointment…

Ok, just so you know, *I DID NOT JUST DO THAT* that was not me at the keyboard or at least I’m sure that I’m not sure it was me.

Puzzle that one out as you will, you lovers of all things M.C. Escher:

I’m sitting here trying to give the lot of you a piece of my mind you pissed me off so royally and God decides that it’s a good idea to give me:

  1. An understanding of how Delta 8 cannabinoids work and how to relax just enough without it causing you to swoon
  2. An understanding of music, gracefulness, dignity
  3. A loving family who had always given me everything they had and then some and then going so far as to apologize to me for not having been able to give me more
  4. So many beautifully wonderfully perfectly perfect combination of perfection.
  5. The awareness that I can build my own language however I will, and those who follow me will do as they like.

[Brief note, because when you think in parallel and in series at the same time, my dearest and most reliably competitive, Mr. Elon Christopher Reeves Musk. Your name has been changed; I’ve done it in your sleep and the rest of the planet agrees with me (and they know it) so that means a visit to…

the CR >>>>wow, no he didn’t. He renamed him AND sent him to the CR? Like the Mr. Hoffman CR? No way he didn’t.

He spanked Elon Musk?

What is this guy the man of a woman whose maiden name is Steele or something? His dad is a KENT? WTF there’s no way that’s true.

lol so funny.

Gonna be a while before you get THAT particular look off your face, Simon. Why don’t you snap shot it as soon as you can get your camera pointing at your nose?

Party time kids. Everything’s fixed. Some kid who had a grudge with Elon sorted it. Tanks are going home, Hamas is going to get heard out, all grievances are liquidated.

Puzzle’s solved. Life will be boring now.

Trending: Finding fault with one another is out. not sure how those go, really…don’t follow the trends but…

I think a man named Taylor Swiftly gets it, and so he will help explain the functions of the perfect electric vehicle charger (so close to be, I guess, I mean, what’s perfect? I’m just a bean counter who could carry a rugby ball a yard or two without a guy from BROCKPORT catching me?

No. Not

Now Rikki Cannioto, on the other hand…I wonder if she still has that lovely love letter I sent her or the 50 year bottle of Port. Hmmm…

Well, in fairness God, you *did* tell me repeatedly that I had “one life and only one life to live” and I did watch that show and days of our lives and yes jennifer jabs 2/9 and jennifer aniston 2/11 I’d like you over for my 53rd birthday party despite that I’m quite a horrid brute of 275 pounds or so. Apparently been carrying the planet for longer than I realized.

I just balance things. It’s all I do. I happen to be…I dunno….

Hypersensitive, Anna? What was that trick we did that one time?/?

You guys are like HE IS NOT GOING TO DO THAT. I dunno. You never know.

The woman *scared* me. Shocked me to within an inch of my top-of-the-sistine-chapel life with that left pinky in the chevy citation, Shaun hanging out the window, drunk as the skies, singing, “I believe in trees!!”

You think I won’t fit in 5(some uncertain number of other digits)5 examples of what Ozzy Osbourne.

Now God is confusing me with too much data. Ok gonna have to break up the thought party until I know we’re all on the same page:

Working for …Elon should we work on near-infinite recall next or do we want infinite memory? I mean no mapping’s already done. You didn’t read about the Cornell gathering? Wait, WHAT PAGE IN THE READING ARE YOU AT?

yeah, elon, like I care whether some high-level-cheese-granola-carrying-grammar-wizard of yoda supremacy caught that ending of a sentence with a preposition. You really think you’re clever, bro, eh? I was saying

You need to catch up on the reading. It’s faster if you come here than if I get off my couch. Sorry. Just is. bring as many people as you like or don’t.

Here, do this: Bring YOUplus some number of people pi. If you figure that riddle out by the time you get here I’ll give you anything I can think of. Or something better if you can think of what that something is.

And that, my folks in the back so shocked in disbelief they’re not sure whether they’re going to remember to eat today…or tomorrow.

No worries./.you’ll get hungry and then remember why we’re now fixing hunger (six months, probably. Ask elon to work on the grunt lateral multiparts stuff I hate so much. I just do perfect streaming thinking, that’s my specialty.

That wasn’t, perhaps, the only time I’ve ever boasted in my life, but I always conducted myself like i was trying to perfect everything I could do. I wasn’t forgetting my friends I was trying to learn how to be a more forgetful friend.

I know, guys. I don’t know about that one either. God did that to me in my sleep or something. He actually sprays music into my ear in progressive efforts, apparently, to confuse me.

…last lyrics I heard were “like the sweet song of a choir”… like, guys, here’s the thing::::::

>>>>do not be amazed at me<<<< >>>>I am just like you<<<< >>>>we are human beings<<<< we just want to be respected.

Like, the characters were like a hack there, and I want to be careful about building the only consistent human language on my own. that’s more of a collaborative process where

eVERYONE’S language, so that everyone can converse quite easily and without any reasonably nonzero chance of confusion.

This way, of course, we can throw our weight into the hyper-dimensional doorway from hell to eternity that Kirt Wackford crazily concocted to flummox me in dungeons and dragons! imagine he tried to play


on Brian Sydney Hawthorne-Barry of a sweet juicy…

see, you can go anywhere. You just have to make sure the other person has a certain incentive to want to follow you anywhere. I’m not bragging!!!!!

I am just saying we have to deduce that it’s obvious that someone will have to go first at least for baby steps until we can make sure we check into this set of 10¹⁰⁰ years and then check out appropriately so that the next batch of quasi-dimensional light sparks can get their noggins together and start spinning like quarks and leptons and even Dr. Stranges might do, ain’t that right Benedict Cumberbatch! god did give you a delightful name for me to

throw about in my mind like a rubik’s cube eating a Swiss army knife

only so that I could be more specific about what I was trying to say than I guess was coming across to you fairly.

I wasn’t trying to hurt any one or really even their feelings when we disagreed. We just disagreed and I just said, if we only knew why we kept disagreeing we could stop doing so because it’s more fun the other way, ain’t it James Caan?

I wanted to live to see James Caan’s face when this happened, kind of. That’s the basic idea. A good assumption, is what I’d say.

Like, here’s what I’m *going to do*

I will name Vladimir Putin Greatest Performance of a Villain in a screenplay. See if I can’t. I can do whatevertheheckiwannado and the reason I pulled it off…

This is, like, the only reason I pulled it off. Picture you’re an ant. No, really:

Then imagine those aren’t ants. They’re people. Then do that a few more times. When you get bored, you just say, “What’s on this level, I wonder? Let’s do a Neo-through doors and keymakers and crap fashion.” Then you climb around.

You go, ok, I’m going to be the human of Epoch 3, such and such…ok, I’ll do it now….but I’m only working for another, maybe 43 minutes before I might get up …

LOL I actually have “evolved” myself to the point where I can spin your minds off in so many different directions that it’s not really *(I don’t think)* technically possible …no wait, that can’t be true…


I pictured myself such an ant. I thought to myself,

And Elon will *totally* appreciate this because this (I suspect) is one of his chief reasons for not liking anyone who can be distracting around.

I mean, that’s almost like a stooge-brother of a rival. That’s like I’m Beaver and you’re the smart one, right wally? LOL

I’m sorry, elon. Ok, I will do that. You are no longer capital E elon for a week (or so) you get to be little e and I’m big E.

There’s probably something fundamentally different there, but let’s look at it one time closely for the mathematicians in the audience because they’re fun to talk to and they can help with building


no, really


You think I am kidding but you are so far from being accurate in that inaccurate assumption that I tripped over an Escher of a sentence in an attempt to figure out how mixed up a person would have to be to think I’d be joking about something so fundamentally valuable as that.

Can you believe that, Elon? The guys from cambridge were chuckling in the back thinking I didn’t exactly know what I was talking about there, because, after all, how could I know *anything* at all versus, you know, like probably most or all of what I could know.

Apparently wandering around in the bottom of a well because god told you you might find something interesting over there.

Yep. well of souls I think that was.

naturally, I looked for the button possessing the most dust — my sister! darn you Cheryl I told you to clean EVERYTHING. nothing here is clean!

<<<<the gift of infinite laughter is hard to counterbalance when you’re trying to actually get something done.

That was the one Elon used most often to stay in the lead of me.

No worries, thought I, I’ll just channel me some of this:

Dudes/dudettes::: just so that you’re reading me with all six or eight of your most-usually-used eyes, what I am saying is that

while I’m alive…at least for the moment, let’s say a year or so, with 8ibera8 help from others (yeah I’m sure we have to guess what it means when I’m going through things at *ONE*SINGLE*SORRY*STEP*OF*A*WASTED* glimpse of a moment in time as we have all of this life to live through; quite freely! Just as though we were into some


Like T.J. Watt. Yes of course you’re here. All of you are here and *ALL* of you that my eyes have come across to the extent which I could think I could sensibly direct them;

I didn’t abuse pornography anymore that I considered myself a pedophile for believing kids are just so darned much cuter than adults 27 times out of the 4 ways you might limitlessly compare things in any direction as we’d like just because it was our prerogative to make up rules *FOR*OTHERS* like they

had to
just plain
do it *EXACTLY* like I do just because I said so and that would then entail

holding your breath until your face turned blue, your nuts turned purple, then you grew into a larger version of the larger version of CGI Mark Ruffalo’s but had a twisted sort of Latthitler look on your face and horns and green venom and then …you know what Stephen King, I saw you grabbing my pen fiddling with it so that you could remain the King of all things literary and hold the title of most well read author of all time, but I shall consider it positively insulting if you do not rush to my house

right after

figuring out that the “hooked together” humans in the media industries, and in hollywood, and in washington…yes YOU TOO MARGORY TAYLOR GREENE get your ass over to my house and bring lex fridman and whoever the heck else YOU can think of but I can’t.

Seriously. Try to surprise me. We can make that what the show is about…

Shoot…shall I really let loose with the guns of navarone in the one, long, melodious call of the Permian verbeekanoid foraminer (i’ve lost track, for the moment, of the specific name of that one…this is the AnnaBRUNOEJpayne clause of the Lepton dictionary. I don’t know what that one’s about. Yeah, I know…

That means I might get in trouble every now and then in the future.

Like, seriously. I might. I might, I don’t know, fall on some ice and f myself up. I don’t want to but neither does Ryan Reynolds want to blow off a Main St. Pizza deep dish date with whoever we can fit in the house and rant and rave keep all the quiet-well-behaved neighbors from getting excited

I mean, like something IMPORTANT might be going on.

I mean, it might be. It might not be, but that would entail a whole long list of impossibilities that he’s ASSURED ME will not happen so long as I don’t

Lose my glasses of infinite introspection or something. I daresay there is not a harder thing in the world universe, any I’ve personally discovered…

So you don’t lose those. Those are like your skin. You keep it protected if you know what’s good for you. Cancer thingies were hard to keep from happening and more like, I guess, a way to spend your essentially infinite supply of fummadiddiesels around.

Ok, this is very important for accounting…and dang I’m still 12 minutes under budget from basically laying the tire tracks of the Tesla 8756x-1 space drone building workshop.

We’ll figure out what I said later. this istheraeson I need humancontact.

People called me a ‘space cadet’ so many times I suppose I got around to believeing them once in a while.

OK !!!! ok time for a hotbutton several actually.
This will feel like scolding, but it sure would not have to Steven McDougal McMonkey McVick, who I’ve taken the liberty of naming,

as a certain species which this meta-organism of a space creature can study,

So there’s a particularly fine example of a climb out of an infinite hole. I believe that one was the first one ever executed, but you’d have to check if stupid ass tom duray has ever …ah yeah, he did. He actually is currently performing his second.

[To explain this to the listeners in the back who are going through this for the first time (because, like, you will have to read me twice sometimes. AND YOU WILL NEED TO KEEP ME MODEST I’m confused about the entire concept, like whether it applies to the center of the universe. I don’t think it does by this series of steps:

emotions carry weight. Just like thoughts, really. They’re virtually the same thing. Within reason everything is virtually the same thing.

I suspect you’ll want to head on over to the house, Neils de grasse and bring Iron Mike too. You guys haven’t even

begun to imagine how much and how fast things are going to “get better.”

I always laughed, I said,

“Get better. When the hell is that ever going to happen, dad? That won’t happen. I’ll have to *(and you’veheard this, if you’re hearing me)* twist my brain up into a pretzel, throw it into a vat of hot oil, wait until all of them get all gushy and mushy and then dart my hand in there right at the very hottest and most precisely chosen spot.

Darn, god. You know I’ve been through Job so very many times. One more time? Ok. Ok man. I’ll do it one more time. Just once. Because, you’re God.


Like, you intercede quickly, forcifully if necessary (God turned Full-ON autocorrect on me just there. I *almost* didn’t see him do it.

Ok folks, that’s 9AM. I will wrap up, because I don’t want to ruin a perfect example of a good candidate for best example of good writing for the hundred day span of 19330.37639 to 19430.37639, Epoch 3.

What we want to do is coordinate the experience for everyone this first 100 day stretch, so our endocrines aren’t all haywire.

And don’t you even go around saying that i don’t love each and every one of you just like i’d kiss the toes of the feet of the women I have loved, or for the men either for that matter because what is a better measure of a man than a man who would kiss the toes of the vanquished’s feet just to assure him that no fault on an emotion hath been intended, but rather it was a bit of an Aikido lesson for you, or an Aikido/Karma experience. Perhaps you had traded. Perhaps one of you thought you’d be

Yes that means will you marry me, Jennifer Aniston. I’m sorry for the oafishly long ring, but I couldn’t get through, Musk was distracting me trying to create fusion in his bathtub or some damn thing. I hear it’s big maybe we could use it after I get done working off this pot belly I’ve been developing trying to save the world from itself. No no. it’s fine. better offers I know. thought you could have a little coffee shop in town here.

We just need to build our communities to be nicer and safer, and all guns stay on the practice range for a while, folks.

targeting, for sport and so that we can calculate the appropriate number of deer which should be in this area to balance out the coyotes and such. Really, it’s much much easier than you think it will be.

Energy is fixed elon. transporting it, collecting it, burying it back in the ground if you want to, etc. etc. batteries are water based there’s no need to do some of this hyper-cool mixing things around. You’ve gotten the space race well on its way and I would love the opportunity to meet your people at spacex.

I really don’t know anything in particular. I’m just this guy:

The rest I didn’t do the full edit pass on. Google and geez don’t you tell me i forgot bill gates name right after you were thinking about linda!

It’s always mememememememe with me. Like I want to be me, gotta be me, like it’s a desperate twilight-zone-horrifying-twistootsof a crazy ass jkid’s popsicle world.

I wanted what every darn kid I’ve ever even considered seriously wants. And that does, actually, include all of you, guys. Right down to that youngster Joe Gehl. You’re catching up with me, my friend. We will have many nice days talking about birds in such once I get done fixing my dad’s mental lesions with my hyper-ray-blasters I’ve developed solely free from the meddling copper wires of those nearly genius geniuses at Neuralink.

Darn it. Someone, like, edit this or something and add all the names that I’m supposed to be adding so that people who are the mafia bosses get in on it. shit sam alteratemanthanme you can come over. We’re just guys. We’re all just guys and girls until one (heaven forbid more than one) of the Oliver Twists in the back starts needing something, I already warned you.

I mean, I’m teasing, but if you think I’m all of a dudden forget like *I* am a dunderhead that means:

  1. cattle find fields
  2. chickens find coops
  3. fish find their respective rivers
  4. people who hunt rhinos and cut the fins off of sharks and DOLPHINS because I’ve seen it and if you don’t think I can go right back and SEE IT TEN TIMES MORE IN A ROW so I can get all hot and bothered and sick God after you because I WILL AND YOU BEST GET YOURS , you likttle

willy (yep, sorry JA, all I got. I make it work. I order you (as much as a person could, like, order a person he’s never met to consider doing as I’d love to bid you. I haven’t lately checked your facebook status and for all I know you’ve fallen permanently and irrevocably into the arms of …

is this over the top? I mean, it just feels like it’s over the top. Judges?

Mr. King>>.>>7.7 stars. A little heavy on the theatrics. We don’t want them sticking their fingers down their throats and vomiting it as if by consumption of a bit of the vapors. I’d have enjoyed more of a spicy sweet.

Taken. You, Mr. Higgs?

I don’t know Boz, Son of god. I guess you have to name yourself something, and so, apparently because you thought of your dad as God…

Look, it has to be one way or the other. We settle this now, so it isn’t an argument throughout the many universes which will come into existence now.


I mean, not all Elon. He didn’t pour the gasoline in the mayonnaise jar. I did it. I wanted to see what would happen, didn’t I told you theat (here the writer bows under the impending weight of his fathers starre…

that’s all, folks. Let’s start up all the follow me follow you timers and have the data scientists cook up some nifty ways to test my processing capacities so that we can see if we can ship the inaugural version of ASGARD in, let’s say, six months. Can’t be more than eight. Could be babies being born in those months. yes we’ll be sorted out.

Yep. Mom, it’s great. I just passed the interview for the test of who will be the world’s very first World Coordinator.

And yet I still share the best I have with you. I won’t, perhaps, do more than one pass through of this ridiculous piece of English literature. Never will it be good enough for those who think Washington and Jefferson and (you know I love you, Ben) Franklin had it all figured out and from the beginning!

Oh yes, because we’re married to confirmation bias and not to the land.

Let’s at least have a few Navajos and Cherokees stand with me on that last bit of sarcasm I’d prefer to ever use.

He lived here. He really did. He was a guy who faced fires so ferocious inside himself to spit out the words:

“No, really, quantum gravity has to be a thing. It has to be, because that’s the only reasonably plausible explanation for why no one wants to be near me anymore, despite that I’m a reasonably nice guy.”

It’s the only reason why The Batavia Daily News wrote things they know are not true about me. It’s the reason inaccurate police reports were made of things I supposedly had done.

Let’s make it harder for that one. He doesn’t obey Kipling’s Fourth Rule: Don’t look too good or talk too wise. Make sure none will ever follow him, don’t give him the thing he *appears to* wish for.

Ah yes, but you can only hold such fantasies in your minds until such time as they are proven to be wrong. You can only hold those fantasies until a person has proven that they are foolish to believe, and they are foolish to hold onto; nothing more than a ship’s anchor for a man who is dying for either a life preserver or one last Diet Coke.

I don’t really care if you drop your beliefs or not; I’d suggest you drop the ones that weigh more heavily on your soul such that your soul is ‘made to feel’ lighter and more bouyant. If I could explain it further, I would, but since I already have, I’ll just share it.

You just have to be willing to be the canary. That’s all. You don’t even have to die. Just be willing to be the canary in the mine.

If you’re extra-specially good at your job there is no way they will ever let you die if they can help it — those miners — whatever they’re mining.

So saith Jimmy Dean, too, though he said it about a very different sort of canary.

I will say I am proud of myself for this one. This one I think someone will find some really fine use out of. Perhaps an eight year old of 2024 will use this method to create time travel or something.

Maybe it will be Darci’s daughter, and maybe someone will have the good sense to give that impossibly priceless jewel of a woman among so many I’ve had the good fortune to know the thing that she wants because it would be simple enough to do with a stroke of the right kind of pen.

I swear to you though, this is the last year I will tolerate this. One more year and my time is done. December 31, 2024 is the deadline. I will already be in Switzerland by then, and the line will already be in my arm.

No one will ask me are you sure because I’ll have made up my mind that the rest of you must together have collectively less heart in all of your chests than I have in mine.

I don’t think it’s possible, but I can’t live through another 5800 hours of Clash of Clans. As much as I love Supercell and as much as I love my thirty little thriving cities and my Flame Flingers and Inferno Towers.

“They’ll turn it all around! You must give them time!”

I gave them until their nineteeth of January to consider things my way and not one of at least 33,000




Written by 𝓌itter

Placed in this position to maximally reflect all the wonderfully intricate facets of the women around me; we're to build a chandelier, ladies.

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