[As I pondered how Ms. Aniston would take her day, I wondered deeper…I turned up my Adele and I felt that if I coaxed myself a remedy…yes, that is just what I would do. I would don the purple hat of truthfulness if I must. That would not even require the hat … yes.
The hat. It seemed just like a regular hat.
But the man seemed older — seemed like he’d seen the horizons you’d seen. He never let you feel bad about it; he’d distract you or something like, look, you’ve done this thing that I could *never* have done. I probably can still never do many of the things that I might have wanted to do.
Wouldst thou die about it, then?
Or burn your souls both deeply into the day and into the night.
That the others — the ones we must hear coming…
Here he loses his train of thought.
Yes, it’s better this way. Anna didn’t get ‘used’ to me being around. She couldn’t have me around.
just don’t make up your mind about any of this until you learn (then remember) your quantum gravity.
I am the modern day equivalent of Bruce Lee at interpretation of forces around me. I perceive your force at a distance and I raise you that I can perceive you there so we thus can do anything we like.
Yes teleportation. I did an initial test of that one this morning; seems to basically work in the math.
I do things easily. I like to practice. If you liked to practice in the same way I do, you’d be just as good at practicing. Or something. I don’t know. I just work here. I just do what I do.
I make the words in my soul echo the words I hear in my ears; my skin. Anna did the skin work. Quite a tattoo artist. rikki you must shave that hair if you’re to be around me. Jennifer will not like it.
Man, this is some high level quadratic matrix multiplication shit trying to bring cats like that into the same room and imagining the situation will be okay.
Guys with dunce caps in back row, perhaps only having had six or seven courses of neuropsychiatry at their disposal to waste on pushing pills instead of extracting poisons.
[I look up and I say, “well, guy, what if they just don’t like my approach to things? I mean isn’t that still a possibility?”
Yep. You know it. It’s NOT A POSSIBILITY *unless* you forget to be thankful.
I used the legendary broccoli-switchflip on the ice cream. Appears to me that normal parents don’t appreciate the function of a button to randomize the behaviors of children who aren’t convinced of the value of the use of the die of infinite randomness.
Yep. I. Just.
And Katy perry is jamming “I’m wide awake” in the background and as I have told you before:
It’s unnotfiguroutable. Something of a limerick/palindrome type of thing: ultra rare things (for you) just drop on my ears as they are supposed to do, apparently.
I don’t “extract” from my environment, I EXCHANGE things with the environment, in such a great
omg bruno mars.
Why did you level my head like that, God?
the kids down here think *I* could pull that off. I know, man. I don’t even know what sort of vicious thunderclap of laughter just sent the concept of satan packing for the next 100,000 years.
Doesn’t exist in the echo of that guy.
He wanted that ball in the end zone. Yes therewasawholeteam. Yesitwasakickoff. Yeshetriedtodoitwiceinarowandwouldhavetriedanother.
Yeep. the guy lying on the turf, four minutes left into the humiliation of my life, losing 95–4 or something in the only important game to me. face first. dust. twodaysof it in arow. Rodney in the hospital already with a punctured lung. Boy those little kiddies could play rough. Couldn’t beat them all alone that time.
There’s next time.
Yeah, I know. But I wanted that one. Only that one, God. That would have been the one.
And then you took me to school.
You can FINALLY meet my mom, Elon. Man, dude. Holy cow did we ever make it. WE did it like James Bond. Too bad Connery wasn’t around for it.
We’re such heroes of the last 300,000 years. You too, Putin. You too all of you.
Stop using your heads like bagels. Pretending you can see right through other people’s but yours, surely doesn’t have a hole right in the center of it. Then putting a hole in the brain of others when the forces dictate that’s what the environment will cause you to do.
Timothy McVeigh played the role he did because it needed to happen.
You aren’t on anyone’s case anymore, and you really ought to keep a close eye on our neighbor for a while, and be polite about criticisms we might offer.
Not because I said and not even because would rather you did. But because it’s better.
Atheism. Banished. It’s not here. Some other universe. Next time we’ll play monopoly with that rule. This time I get to have my way. I worked enough for that credit from the power of good will. When you see some of the stuff I ‘accidentally’ did as an Epoch 1 evolving popcorn kernel of a human…
Don’t be amazed. Know you can do it. Matrix scene.
I am not taking you all the way. itslessfunthatway. It is AMAZING RACE FUN. And I’m coming. I’ll hire my own helicopters when I want to watch a copy of that beautiful exercise in common sense! See if a 70 year old woman and her husband can still cave dive without banging her head.
Let’s see if that lovely creature with the buffoon over there can eat what did he say Diana? two pounds of caviar! there is no way such a beautiful creature could her endure the tell tale encouragements of her composure and actually go right over there and marry that cosmically hilarious but brilliantly nitwit of a tomfool as Brian Kent?
What would Chris Greene say? He’s say my dad ordered that primitive member of the last of Epoch 1’s right into becoming an Epoch 3. I was there witnessing it.
lol I’m forgettable. If I’m forgettable then explain to me this one, Mister and Missus Jumping Jackflash of the Infinitely-Tradeable-Viewpoints-of-The-Only-When-It-Suits-Me, how come it “just so happens” that the law says that my dearest sister Cheryl, who
*always played by the rules, and stood as a beacon of light about it at times*
somehow has not her child, my very own niece Marissa. Child of the Gods if there ever was one.
Don’t me sort out the obvious things thrice when it would be just as easy to task you in an infinite loop of itsy bitsy spider like I agonized with for four minutes this morning over what I have already written.
What do I look like, an infinitelyunthirstygenerator of outflowing but never inflowing wishes?
So finally, after having thought of it for, like, I dunno, half an hour or something, I said, ok, then just do this:
Tell them that I said to pretend that today I am holding everyone hostage for all the money in the sack or I’m blowing them all away like Schwarzy would.
Tomorrow we’ll play you much money can you possibly spend Brewster’s Millions style and we’ll keep doing that one until we’re all in lavishly appointed cedar shake houses with bamboo and the like on the end of a dead end road called Fruit Avenue.
That one’s so boring. The guy is just Charlie Chaplining his way through everything like Mr. Magoo.
Clearly, I remembered, of course, that children do need things to occupy themselves. brain getting hazy on the oh yeah. that one is worth going over.
with a GONG.
Jennifer Annina Jabs, PhD, Nutrition: gravitational element #1 location: 2/9
Brian Kent, garden variety wiseass: possibly the most neutral, light, bouyant and remarkable portable example of reasonably well organized DNA: location 2/10
Jennifer Aniston: gravitational element #2: 2/11
What happens?
<some of the kids in the back of the class, Elon Musk especially, since he had not been paying attention during quasi-newtonian physics>: “What would be the point of doing something that incredibly dangerous and requiring of the greatest precision!!!”
Someone could actually get killed.
“Well yeah,” said one Angel’s advocate “But what if something astonishing happens just because Gooddeal had been named head of the NFL as a signal that He, that is god himself, had already decreed it:
Goddeal (reasonably close to Goodell.)
Dad? Want to meet Ray Lewis, Ed Reed, Captain big brain who ignored my emails, and the others? I told you it might end up being
Steelers: 77
Ravens: 4
in the superbowl, with Zay Flowers scoring the only two safeties in a situation which could only be viewed as “peculiar, but seemingly quite plausible.”
And then! Oh yes it was the best of all situations!
Mr. Flower politely noted that if he was going to have to play the role of Sinistar he must necessarily be allowed the equations that fit him to declare,
I’m sorry, guys, I love you to pieces Lamar, and you took, Odell. but you arejsuttootame you take nothing of the real risk.
The whole world would surely laugh at you to arrange such a thing on a moments notice while people everywhere were
STILL AGGRAVATED about the delay of the Bills-steelers game and the time it took me to pass a kiss on up to my lovely late grandmother:
Had the last laugh on that one, didn’t you grammie?
You sure did.
Shake A. Spear for what is right and I will shake my pen along with it. Things tend to fall out of the sky: